deconstruct60 is likely right that the factory isn't "just getting geared up."
From an electronics hardware perspective, there are five major build states:
- Prototype (PROTO)
- Engineering Validation Test (EVT)
- Design Validation Test (DVT)
- Production Validation Test (PVT) / ramp
- Mass Production (MP), or Steady State Production
The Austin manufacturing line should be at the fifth stage, Steady State Production, and has probably been that way for several weeks.
There may be some scarcity of parts, there often are for new Apple products (particularly major silicon, like CPUs and GPUs, as well as display panels).
The PVT/ramp phase that precedes Steady State Production would be when manufacturing procedure would be honed.
In the same way, when a fancy new restaurant opens, there are often a few invitation only pre-opening parties that effectively behave like the engineering PVT/ramp phase. Once the restaurant is open, they are in Steady State Production. You just can't close the kitchen at 7pm because they ran out of steaks or because they are "trying to figure things out."
That might happen at your freshmen year dorm kegger, but these are professionals.