Again, this is an iPad PRO. I know you want to ignore the PRO thing and claim they need to make it for everyone (or, really, just to what you want), but the reality is that they already have a model that does what you want. They literally make a device for the folks that don't need the keyboard or the pencil. And it's cheaper!
I'm not going to explain to you why having the entire screen to work and a decent keyboard that is separate is a better scenario than having half the screen taken up by a keyboard and having to keep looking down near your hands to see what you're typing. It should be self-evident.
You're the guy that has to buy the most expensive sports car on the market and then complains that it has more horsepower than you need. Like, really, stop trolling.
Do they really have a 12.9” inch device with the same hardware specs except the smart connector and pencil support? C’mon! Even though things like smart connector and pencils seems like a small things for those who dont need it, it all adds up really quickly when it comes down to R&D resources or software developers, complexity of the whole operating system, the prize of the final product etc. The other fact is that it is huge majority of iPad users who don’t buy those things either. How many of iPad Pro consumers also get a pencil and keyboard or even one of those? Less than 30%? Less than 10%? Less than 5%?
Also, if you are really depending on a keyboard with your Pro-working, would it be better just to get a good laptop or desktop, with much better keyboard? Those keyboards beats iPads external one easily.
Your horsepower comparison is also out of logic, when horsepower on a sportscar equals a motherchip on a iPad(IMHO). There is no such thing as too powerfull iPad and I have never said anything like that. I would rather compare a keyboard and pencil to a let’s say heated steering wheel or big trunk space on a sportscar. Something I would never pay extra for.
I know your post was directed at another user, but as I write a lot on my iPad, I thought I'd share. I can type pretty fast on my 12.9" virtual keyboard (well over 40 words a minute with nearly no errors); however, that doesn't compare to my 100+ words a minute on a physical keyboard. It's just the nature of the design that my fingers "drift" away from the keys when I can't feel the keys physically. Could this be corrected in software? To some extent, sure. But I doubt a flat piece of glass is ever going to compare to a keyboard with keys that have physically defined borders that I can feel.
I’m really not going to deny that currently the virtual keyboard loses to the real one. It does. But I am confident that virtual keyboard could be a much better via software, or even hardware technology. But seems like Apple is not even focusing on those things all that much. The point is, if you are currently a heavy keyboard user, is there a laptop that does better job than iPad + keyboard? Im sure there is.
That being said, I love Apple's Wireless Magic Keyboard and I type quite well with the Smart Keyboard Cover, though the keyboard cover does have connectivity issues.
This sentence pretty much underlines my whole point. External keyboard is really not even that good or reliable on a iPad Pro. There is still laptops that beats it easily on every aspect.
I've been paying for a 3.5mm headphone jack in my devices for most of my life yet pretty much never use it. I'm not complaining. It's not like Apple's throwing 30 connectors in there at $10 a piece.
With this one I have to give credit to Apple, they are finally removing 3.5mm connector from the next iPad. It is 100% the right choise for a various reasons. And I guess you should be pretty happy too.
Again, this is an iPad PRO. I know you want to ignore the PRO thing and claim they need to make it for everyone (or, really, just to what you want), but the reality is that they already have a model that does what you want.
Once again there doesn’t exist such a model, plus
you most certainly don’t know what I want from an iPad so stop making false argumentations on what others want or need.