I know this. But it would be awesome if they did. Include a WiFi module, build an "app store" that has ALL the NES games for sale for a few bucks each. I would pay more than $60 dollars for that! Even more so if it was a SNES version!
For that you have the Wii and Wii U Virtual Console. You have plenty of NES games (a LOT of them) for $5 each. Putting this in a console like this is a big f-you to the Wii U's Virtual Console, considering the console is already selling like crap.
I don't know if the regular Wii store is still open, but you can buy used Wii's at Gamestop for $30 after rebate (and these models have Internet access).
Wii U is still MIA - these systems are now more costly than regular XBox One models new/refurbished...
Like the Atari, if the NES retro is successful, look for more versions to come (with just a different set of games).
As for me, I didn't get back into videogames until after college and the NEC Turbografix and 3DO, and didn't get an NES until I became a collector...
Since I'm a "purist" - I prefer playing on an original console with the physical copy of the game and the original controller, using an old TV tube...
There are collectors out there known as "preservationist" and will collect working consoles only to preserve and won't use them on a regular basis - they prefer using emulators (I don't blame them - once these original consoles burn-out they're gone forever... )