Hey all,
This my first post here but I was hoping to clarify a few things.
I can only share information based on the stock 6 core second tier system as its all I've used (and 64gb of ram), but hopefully that will give you ball park information.
Running Resolve 10 I was getting butter smooth performance on a 24 fps grade on a D500 equipped Mac Pro running 4k dpx scanned film frames off of the internal ssd with a full set of grading going for a small commercial project.
Things went off without a hitch and adding a Pegasus raid as the source drive to test thunderbolt performance also resulted in similar output. I didn't see any issues.
Resolves also uses the first gpu for GUI and the second for grading as needed.
Mari 2.5 test case:
Computer 1: mid 2013 iMac 27" fully loaded with 32gb ram, top tier gpu, etc on a fusion drive system
Computer 2: 64 gb second tier six core new Mac Pro
Scene contained 5 million faces over 12 objects running about 40 8k textures real time. Total file size for Mari archive before decompression is about 4 gb.
Computer 1 ran scene at 2fps with everything turned on.
Computer 2 ran scene at 12fps withe very thing turned on.
Mari also recognizes both gpus but uses only one by default. Changing it to dual gpu doesn't seem to affect anything at the moment and I'm assuming that the code isn't implemented yet but will be in the future builds.
With main character asset and ground props enabled:
Computer 1 ran scene at 6 fps
Computer 2 ran scene at 21fps.
The software that is built leveraging the Multiple gpus in the new Mac Pro shows a distinct speed difference from what you're all used to. For professional applications in the post and VFX world this machine is phenomenal.
I'd go into vray rt and multicore statistics, but I don't have the figures handy at the moment.
Nuke screams, especially Kronos and ocula!
Maya, media composer 6.5.3 and 7, and other avid and Autodesk software doesn't take advantage of the full multicolor power at the moment in osx (but new builds are in the works), however they all run wonderfully in boot camp.
The performance on the Autodesk and avid apps are similar to the iMac due to the lack of multicore and multiple gpu support.
Hopefully this helps.
(Apologies for any typing errors, using an iPad at the moment)