Exactly. There's a false-equivalence that regularly gets thrown around, and it's b.s.
Like several others have expressed, I just happen to like the nMP and think it's a good computer. I understand and have been respectful of why others don't like it. However, I also have enough perspective on computer history and understanding of the current industry to at least understand why Apple has made some of the choices they've made. That doesn't mean I like them or agree with their reasoning, but to just pretend otherwise is sticking your head in the sand.
I've been accused on multiple occasions of being some sort of Apple fan-boy, but I'll challenge anyone to dig up these supposed posts where I wax poetically about how great Apple is (actually, I could go on for pages about all the things I don't like about Apple hardware and software). I bet the same could be said about most of those in the MP forum who get accused of being Apple sheep. However, on the other side, I could point to hundreds of posts by the "haters", some of whom can't seem to even go a single post without some Apple bashing or just bashing other users.
This forum is one of the least representative groups of Mac Pro users on the planet. Just read through a few threads, and unless you're trying to solve an issue, you'll soon realize that no "smart" person would want to hang around here for very long. Who in their right mind wants to sit around having idiotic arguments with bladerunner2000 and some of these other characters (some of whom don't even use Macs/OS X) - these guys act like total jerks to anyone who doesn't agree with them. I don't like hanging out with jerks. The vast majority of people just interested in having friendly conversations leave and you're mostly left with angry-bitter-frustrated-can't get-over-it cranks just trolling for the next argument and put-down.