This is what I'm frustrated about. It's most likely going to be a LATE November release for iOS 4.2, might as well wait a few more months to get the latest iPad. I'm sure they'll be upgrading the screen, adding facetime capabilities, that in itself will be worth the wait. The iPad has been out since what, was it April or May? I forget, anywho, that's like 6 months wait for a decent software update. Especially when all these other devices have iOS 4 or are going to have it. They might as well have held back on releasing the iPad another year. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPad, but it feels crippled. Same as knowing they will upgrade the ram, screen, and add a camera, couldn't hey have done that in the first GEN? yes, but chose not to. So I understand why a few folks are upset about the November release time, just feels like they released the iPad just to get it out there.