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We got some really sad people on here...November is only 2 months away.

And get this...all IOS devices will be at 4.2 at the same time. Give apple some time to iron out the bugs. The 4.2 beta will probably be out in a few weeks.
We got some really sad people on here...November is only 2 months away.

And get this...all IOS devices will be at 4.2 at the same time. Give apple some time to iron out the bugs. The 4.2 beta will probably be out in a few weeks.

They would be the same ones WHINING all over these boards if 4.2 was released too early and was buggy.
I think its taking a while because they are having a hard time to get it to work smoothly because the ram is alittle lite. I love my ipad and dont know if Im going to upgrade. Upgrading to os 4 on my iphone 3 gs killed my battery life dont want that happening to my ipad.
tripjammer said:
We got some really sad people on here...November is only 2 months away.

And get this...all IOS devices will be at 4.2 at the same time. Give apple some time to iron out the bugs. The 4.2 beta will probably be out in a few weeks.

I think the point is that by the time it gets up to date with the rest of ios, a better, less buggy, more ram having version will Nearly (if not already) be out. The biggest thing for me right now is that it's flipping slow, and yes, it's due to lack of ram.
A second-rate OS until November???

They're all second-rate OS's. 4.2 is second rate compared to 4.3 and 5.0. OS X 10.6 is second-rate to 10.7, which is second rate to 10.8, etc.

The hardware is all second rate as well. The iPod Touch just announced is second-rate to the one they have in R&D that they'll be announcing around Sept 2011.

So just stop buying stuff. OK?
If you click here to see the threads that XciteMe has started on MacRumors, I think you'll be able to answer that question quite easily. :)

He's crazier than a **** house rat. The "emergency!" post about his 3G subscription was my favourite.

A couple of days ago he was going to marry his iPad. Now it's a quickie divorce.

His spell in the cooler didn't calm him down any.
iPhones see updates (hardware as well as Point Zero software releases) every year in the month of July. iPad originally launched in Jan so we would be getting a new Point Zero in less than a year. However, I find it strange that the new iOS 4.2 for iPad will be launched as a software-only release. They cannot possibly release a new iPad in Jan (2 months after 4.2 release) with just upgraded hardware ? I am sure there is:
a) Either a software update along with the new hardware in 2011 OR
b) We will see iPad product refresh in November along with 4.2 (Another apple event maybe ?)

If you notice the general trend, a new iOS device always launches with a brand new iOS update. Hard to believe it would be any different for the iPad.
If you notice the general trend, a new iOS device always launches with a brand new iOS update. Hard to believe it would be any different for the iPad.

The trend you mention, of course, is true; but launching new hardware so late in the year (and so close to the holiday season) seems unlikely.

The iPad supply-chain has only recently stabilized, and thus ramping up iPad 2G during the holiday season seems like a pretty bad idea :)
What nonsense! The transition from Autumn/Fall to Winter doesn't happen suddenly on a pre-determined date.

True, but in order to define when a season occurs (because it is a fixed repetitive temporal event) we need to have a fixed date for when it starts and finishes. If we didn't, then the seasonal descriptors becoming virtually meaningless. Alternatively we could start saying that today is 95% autumn, and 5% winter. But that would just be messy.
AMAGAD still two months. Some ppl really need to do something with their life. It's a luxury product, who gives a crap if it comes later. It's not like you're going to lose a lung by not being able to multitask or use folders
Arrived at my doorstep 1 week ago. It's a fun gadget (I wouldn't call it a computer), but this is unacceptable. A second-rate OS until November???

Eating my 10% restocking fee and getting my $$$ back.

Sorry Apple, maybe next revolution.

So to sum up, you bought something as advertised, that you admit you enjoy, and that will be made better in just a few months time. For this reason you will lose some money in restocking because waiting for something to improve for free (over what was advertised) is just too hard.

You might want to look into some of the psych studies about emotional intelligence. Little kids who were found to be able to delay gratification were found to be much happier and more content as well as better adjusted, more mature, and more likely to do well in school. It might be something you could work on learning. It might improve your life!

Meanwhile, if enough of you restock over these 2 year old whiney concerns, maybe they will start selling them refurb and I get a second one since my wife never lets ours out of her hands. Heck I will even wait patiently for the next update...
Arrived at my doorstep 1 week ago. It's a fun gadget (I wouldn't call it a computer), but this is unacceptable. A second-rate OS until November???

Eating my 10% restocking fee and getting my $$$ back.

Sorry Apple, maybe next revolution.

Cool story, bro!
I think the point is that by the time it gets up to date with the rest of ios, a better, less buggy, more ram having version will Nearly (if not already) be out. The biggest thing for me right now is that it's flipping slow, and yes, it's due to lack of ram.

This is basically what my thought is. I'm worried that at the end of the day. 4.2 will only run reallly well on the new iPad revision.
True, but in order to define when a season occurs (because it is a fixed repetitive temporal event) we need to have a fixed date for when it starts and finishes. If we didn't, then the seasonal descriptors becoming virtually meaningless. Alternatively we could start saying that today is 95% autumn, and 5% winter. But that would just be messy.

iPhones see updates (hardware as well as Point Zero software releases) every year in the month of July. iPad originally launched in Jan so we would be getting a new Point Zero in less than a year.

One more time:

iPad was ANNOUNCED in January, it was LAUNCHED in April.
That's creepy. I'm and Apple person, and I really enjoy driving VW's, in fact all the cars in my family (wife & sons) are VW's, but I sure would want to "marry them. Creepy man, CREEPY!

Although I'd like to see a nice marriage between Apple products and VW (integrated iPad dock in dashboard anyone?).
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