Can't find any anti virus software for the iPad. Does Apple feel that just because they control the App store that there is no other way for a virus to get on the iPad?
If your iPad isn't jailbroken, it's highly unlikely you will get a virus. It's within a very closed system and all applications are reviewed by Apple. It is possible that one could get by them--but Apple has the capability to remotely remove such an application once discovered.
How? What if the virus took out your ip connection and the only thing that you could do to fix it would be to restore?
Sure your iPad would be functional again just like if you reformatted your PC, but why would you have to go through all of that trouble?
Can't find any anti virus software for the iPad. Does Apple feel that just because they control the App store that there is no other way for a virus to get on the iPad?
Can't find any anti virus software for the iPad. Does Apple feel that just because they control the App store that there is no other way for a virus to get on the iPad?
Not only are all Apps (programs) signed, they all run in a tightly controlled environment called a "sandbox". Each program has its own sandbox. The program can't effect anything outside of that sandbox. This limit makes the types of viruses you see on Windows impossible on the iPad.
There can certainly be malicious apps that trick users, asking them for passwords or peersonal information. Given Apple's screening process, it is unlikely such a program will make it into the the AppStore.
Welcome to Apple land, there are no viruses, there never have been any viruses (since 2001 when OS X was introduced), and there probably never will be any viruses.
Hard to believe, but you'll get used to it.
I really really hope you're being sarcastic.
Feel free to contribute a list of Mac viruses if you wish.....waiting.