4DThinker said:Antivirus software works three ways (or more). It tries to prevent known viruses from installing on your system and updates itself daily or more often with the latest info. Secondly, it looks for virus-like behavior, as most viruses use variations on the same strategy to attack a device. Lastly, for a virus that gets on your device before the anti-virus detects it, the antivirus can usually find and remove the virus once it IS known about. Those 3 stragies have kept my Dos/Windows systems free from nasties for the last 30 years.
So saying no antivirus software could prevent/protect against an iPhone/iPad virus is only true if no antivirus software is available for that OS.
I would argue that someone like yourself, fairly educated on the matter, probably practices safe computing to begin with. Prior to switching over to Mac completely, I NEVER ran antivirus software on windows (anti spyware, yes). But I also didn't visit screwy sites or open attachments I wasn't expecting. I didn't download cracked software or visit any site with the word warez in it. I didn't visit porn sites, and not because I'm a prude, but because many of them will infest your PC with a variety of nefarious nasties in about 30 seconds.
The very basics of Mac, without even going into all the geek stuff, is that no software can be installed on your machine without you "approving" it yourself and confirming you want to install it. Visit trusted sites, don't open unexpected attachments and don't pirate software and you've got a pretty good chance of staying safe. And the iPad is locked down even tighter.
Oh, and not to mention, there are no Mac viruses