I don't need to try to find some "article" to prove that Mac viruses exists. Apple has already done that, in multiple places.
So you should be able to name one of the viruses, right? It would be so easy for you to win this argument, just go to one of the multiple places you claim Apple has identified Mac viruses, and give us one of the names. It's so easy for you.
Might it be because you are 100% wrong? Also, Norton Antivirus for the Mac existing means absolutely nothing. They would write antivirus software for toasters if they thought it would sell well.
So again, we're waiting. Waiting for you to declare yourself #1 winner, because you posted a couple meaningless links. I suspect you will say "I've given all the evidence I need, I'm not going to bother arguing with you idiots anymore" or something like that. Take the easy way out, instead of just admitting you are wrong.