I don't get people that buy cheap knock-offs. I think knock-off are disgusting. I feel the same way about fake handbags that try to pass themselves off as LV, Hermes, Burberry ect.
I'm glad Apple started a MFW program because I want to see styles they're not offering, not rip offs of their existing bands.
For me it is not about buying a cheap knock off that is appealing, it has to do with the want for several pieces of appealing designed bands or watch styles.
Of course, if the product is garbage, then I certainly won't buy it. If the product is stylish and has a decent build quality at a good price, then I will buy it. In fact, stylistically speaking, I wouldn't even liken it to knock off designer handbags or branded clothing. With things like that, your getting something that has the logo imprinted and is meant to be passed off as the actual brand. Using that comparison would be more like buying a bootleg smartwatch that
looked like an Apple watch, but certainly was not one.
I liken wanting a cheaper leather loop more to a pair of wayfarer sunglasses. Many different companies make the same exact style, or have a little variation in the style, but it's more or less the same product, but different companies offer it at different prices with different quality builds.