Remember that iOS 14 is more of a "catch-up" release like iOS 12 was. Not much in the way of groundbreaking features and more about subtle improvements and solving problems.
After the mess that was iOS 13, we need one of these. Look to iOS 15 for the "wow!" stuff.
Catch-up? Are you serious? This release is about as groundbreaking as any iOS release has ever been. Widgets on homescreen and App Library are a big deal. PiP is a big deal. This is iOS we're talking about. I've been dying of boredom for YEARS waiting for features Android has offered forever. In terms of UI changes, I can't remember when I was more excited for an iOS release.
The OP is proof that no matter what you do, you just can't please everyone. This is beta 1 dude. There will still be lots and lots and lots of refinement and enhancement. I'm sure your minor quibbles will be addressed at some point of the iOS 14.x life cycle. The breakthrough here is that Apple is now committed to some great features we could have only dreamed of a year ago on an iPhone. Appreciate it, provide feedback and you'll form new muscle memory in no time.