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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
broken ssd to delayer




macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
replacement power supply arrived today. waiting on replacement wifi/bt board, should arrive tomorrow.



also since i am replacing them i though i might delayer the original wifi/bt, interposer, and exhaust fan boards.




macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
It worked fine until we started installing and using programs

Besides the log your feedback is too broad. Some standard information to provide without anyone having to dig through the archive. Answer, would you kindly -

Is this a Mac Pro (Late 2013)?
What version of macOS?
What version of bootrom or firmware?
Link to the exact adapter you bought to verify just in case?

[doublepost=1529807799][/doublepost]I am very ready to try again this weekend to boot my machine.

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macrumors member
Aug 12, 2017
Besides the log your feedback is too broad. Some standard information to provide without anyone having to dig through the archive. Answer, would you kindly -

Is this a Mac Pro (Late 2013)?
What version of macOS?
What version of bootrom or firmware?
Link to the exact adapter you bought to verify just in case?

[doublepost=1529807799][/doublepost]I am very ready to try again this weekend to boot my machine.

View attachment 767513


Yes it is a Mac Pro 2013

OS 10.13.5

Bootrom : MP61.0120.B00

Sintech Adapters used :


Many Thanks


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
Many Thanks

The installation of apps may be coincidental to when stuff started getting wonky. Unless a bunch of pirated software got you a virus or something. Looks like all your system crashes are related to Adobe products.

You have an older firmware for your current macOS version. I would try swapping back in the original drive, then do an OS update, verify firmware version changed, then swap again to the NVMe. Check if another macOS update is available.

Try reseating the NVMe in the adapter.

If it still is causing issues try temporarily uninstalling Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.

Worst case try updating to Mojave, or wiping the computer again for a clean install of High Sierra.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
running mojave but firmware is still version MP61.0120.B00 again probably need to install a stock hard drive to properly upgrade the firmware. though it seems stable.


I had some thermal issues add added some more passive heatsinks and fans and now system has been stable and up for several hours.

Many Thanks
try anything else yet? any updates?
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macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2017
I upgraded to Mojave with a stock SSD and the firmware didn’t change. Still at MP61.0124.B00.

Prior to that I upgraded from Sierra on this machine with stock drive and firmware did change.

Nvme drive works fine on Mojave (2TB Samsung 970 evo with Sintech adaptor)
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
Looking to buy a 256gb official apple ssd so i can update my firmware. anyone know the cheapest? otherwise i'll just use ebay.

update: i bought stock apple ssd on ebay this morning
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
Did the firmware change?
the firmware did not change when i installed mojave but that is probably because i am using nvme. stock apple ssd should arrive tomorrow i'll try re-installing mojave with that drive.
Codejingle, which model of E5 xeon is that?
Xeon E5-2687W V2 SR19V? For Mac Pro (Late 2013) I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a modded system that can handle the extra thermal load.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
The magnetic safety interlock circuitry only fully enables the power supply when there is a magnet nearby. This is true at all times. Putting on the lid does not disable that circuity, instead there is literally a magnet embedded on the inside of the external housing / enclosure. You have to look hard for it.

Hopefully that clarifies any confusion. It had been brought up recently outside this thread.


macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2008
Thank you for these very detailed posts. I have just updated to with the linked Sintech adaptor, Samsung 970Evo 1tb, and added the linked heatsink with the thermal pads. It is moving along with the install, but I am noticing considerable heat coming from the tower. (It was very warm to the touch when I removed the case to re-set the ssd drive.) I am worried about heat build up. Has anyone else installed this newer SSD with the adapter? It is 2x as fast as the older ones, but not worth it if I fry my machine. I will downgrade to the 960 is that is suggested.
I upgraded to Mojave with a stock SSD and the firmware didn’t change. Still at MP61.0124.B00.

Prior to that I upgraded from Sierra on this machine with stock drive and firmware did change.

Nvme drive works fine on Mojave (2TB Samsung 970 evo with Sintech adaptor)
Quick question. Do you notice any heat issues? Installing now and running along, except I feel the heat off of the machine. Mac Pro 2013 6,1, 8core, added 1TB Samsung 970 Evo with heat sink and adaptor.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
I am worried about heat build up. Has anyone else installed this newer SSD with the adapter?
Do you notice any heat issues?
Put the fastest ssd you want in there. None of the thermal issues are being caused by your faster ssd. The M2 stick even under intense use is so small that proportionally the amount of heat it generates contributes very little to the overall thermal load of the machine.

You've never opened up your machine before I am guessing? It gets very hot. Always very hot. No matter what you do, you can't stop it from getting so hot. Mac Pro (6,1) has many thermal issues. This is the main reason Apple claims they never released an update to the internal GPUs, because of thermal issues.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
going from mojave beta two to beta three seems to decrease stability. i don't think it was related to the firmware upgrade since everything was working all day today with the latest firmware in beta two. though it could be coincidental.

there was a kernel panic in the middle of a partition resize in boot camp assistant and that may have made things worse.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
Just curious, why does updating the firmware require an original Apple SSD.
well either apple is giving the hardware mod community the shaft or there is a chance that newer firmware would break modded hardware. if you've hand-built a custom hardware mod and the driver compatibility is a house of cards then any change in the firmware might break the mod.

if you are specifically asking what the current mechanism is that stops a firmware update from happening otherwise, well i am not sure, some kind of check in the macos update if you have the correct model of hardware. or else a more sophisticated kind of check where apple temporarily updates the firmware and checks if in post the hardware is failing and in that case rolls it back. in which case i have just screwed myself over.

the community figured out over time and with much feedback that the difference in whether the os update changed the firmware was linked to whether the hard drive was stock or nvme. and not necessarily 'stock' in that it had to have come from apple, but 'stock' in that it was the most recent previous generation of m2 ssd technology before nvme.
[doublepost=1530768035][/doublepost]i got a boatload of crashes today in mojave beta three with the latest firmware and the 2 terabyte 960 pro. double digits. nearly all the kernel panics are nvme io calls deep in the stack. i'm probably filing a dev bug even though it is non-stock hardware. not sure if anyone makes an external drive bay for nvme. i used an external m2 bay previously from owc but that was only compatible with the stock apple ssd. if i get to the point where i might smash my computer with a hammer i might instead switch back to the stock apple ssd.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Greater Seattle, WA
I filed bug 41842066 using the regular bug reporter mechanism. Though it seems even for developers now apple wants beta bugs files outside of bug reporter. I'll have to do that for next time. Also, it might be a downside - I figure the public beta feedback tool goes through more stringent filtering because it is public facing rather than developer-only. I also reference this thread in the bug so the link is quasi-circular.
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macrumors member
Jul 9, 2018
Southern PA
I filed bug 41842066 using the regular bug reporter mechanism. Though it seems even for developers now apple wants beta bugs files outside of bug reporter. I'll have to do that for next time. Also, it might be a downside - I figure the public beta feedback tool goes through more stringent filtering because it is public facing rather than developer-only. I also reference this thread in the bug so the link is quasi-circular.
It would be a huge wet blanket if Mojave killed third-party NVME, I already sold someone a 2017 Air with an NVME drive in it...
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