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macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
It’s obscene. Regardless of how you feel about the iPad.. what can you honestly do on the Pro over the regular iPad at this point? I even purchased a pro.. and I am struggling to find what I can do on the iPad Pro over just the regular 9.7.

Depends on what you do with it. What size pro do you have?
If you’re running apps that require screen acreage you can’t beat a 12.9 or even an 11.
Spreadsheets, photo editing and drawing with the likes of Affinity Photo and Designer can’t be done conveniently on a small screen with all the tools and pallets is the 9.7 pressure sensitive for a pencil?
Same with video editing, the more space the easier the work.
If it’s media consumption or editing with the likes of Snapseed or other like programs, the 9.7 is fine.

George Dawes

Jul 17, 2014
You should’ve seen the price of macs in the early 1990s , now THAT was obscene , these iPad pros are a bargain in comparison

I blew £5k for 4mb ram 40 mb hd , imagine how much that is now !!!

And no monitor , lol

Every time I use this thing I realise we really now are living in jetson land


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2011
Even Microsoft is taking advantage of the "pro" gravy train. I used to be able to do simple editing in MS Word on my iPad Air 2. Now they state that anything over a 10.1" tablet is a "pro" model and you must pay for a 365 subscription in order to edit documents.


macrumors 68030
May 27, 2014
Depends on what you do with it. What size pro do you have?
If you’re running apps that require screen acreage you can’t beat a 12.9 or even an 11.
Spreadsheets, photo editing and drawing with the likes of Affinity Photo and Designer can’t be done conveniently on a small screen with all the tools and pallets is the 9.7 pressure sensitive for a pencil?
Same with video editing, the more space the easier the work.
If it’s media consumption or editing with the likes of Snapseed or other like programs, the 9.7 is fine.
I have the 10.5.

The thing is.. it’s not just Pros that are being marketed as replacing your laptop - it’s the whole iPad line.

The hardware inside the iPad is mind blowing.. but Apple continues to put training wheels on it. Apple needs to realize that putting iOS on the iPad is like having an elephant sit on your chest. Let this baby breathe and give us a file system/iPad optimized iOS experience. If you want it to replace my laptop - why do you give it the same software with the same limitations as my Phone?


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2013
It’s obscene. Regardless of how you feel about the iPad.. what can you honestly do on the Pro over the regular iPad at this point? I even purchased a pro.. and I am struggling to find what I can do on the iPad Pro over just the regular 9.7.

See the difference in screen quality, for one. ProMotion makes a huge difference. Which one do you have? ProMotion was only introduced second-gen, I think? I'm anxious to upgrade from my Air 2 to a 10.5 or 11 Pro because the screen, from my experience, drastically improves the experience of just using the tablet in general.


macrumors 68030
May 27, 2014
See the difference in screen quality, for one. ProMotion makes a huge difference. Which one do you have? ProMotion was only introduced second-gen, I think? I'm anxious to upgrade from my Air 2 to a 10.5 or 11 Pro because the screen, from my experience, drastically improves the experience of just using the tablet in general.
A 10.5 but all of my work is in spreadsheets, apps like concur, premiere, hightail, gmail.. etc.

The iPad can do most of it - but there are so many steps I have to go through to get one task done instead of just opening my computer and get it done 10x faster.

I still don't know what the Pro can do that the 9.7 cant.. aside from having a bigger streen.. the iPad Pro is pretty much an iPhone Plus/Max and the 9.7 is pretty much an iPhone.
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macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
Even Microsoft is taking advantage of the "pro" gravy train. I used to be able to do simple editing in MS Word on my iPad Air 2. Now they state that anything over a 10.1" tablet is a "pro" model and you must pay for a 365 subscription in order to edit documents.
It isn't "now"... that's always been the case from the beginning (or within the first few months of availability) of MS Works for iOS.

A 10.5 but all of my work is in spreadsheets, apps like concur, premiere, hightail, gmail.. etc.

The iPad can do most of it - but there are so many steps I have to go through to get one task done instead of just opening my computer and get it done 10x faster.

I still don't know what the Pro can do that the 9.7 cant.. aside from having a bigger streen.. the iPad Pro is pretty much an iPhone Plus/Max and the 9.7 is pretty much an iPhone.
There are a handful of apps (fewer than a dozen) that won't work well on the 9.7 iPad. Other than that, you are correct.

You are also correct regarding the workflows on iOS. few laptop tasks are as streamlined or more easily done on the iPad as they are on traditional laptops. Even when "re-thinking" what needs to get done (rather than simply trying to mimic how things are done on the laptop) there are significant limitations to anything beyond simple tasks.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2015
I almost exclusively use my 2015 iPad Pro for media consumption. I also have a habit of just buying an IPad, iPhone, or Watch whenever there’s a significant update. I’m on the way to the apple store to return my 2018 12.9” iPad Pro. I realized that, for what I use the iPad for (YouTube, movies, browsing), that my 12.9” 2015 iPad still did everything perfectly. I couldn’t a crap about how benchmarks are better than the MacBook because I never use it for anything but media. I love the new look, the new form factor, but $1600 for the 512gb with AppleCare and case is ridiculous. Give me the same screen, storage, with the guts of an iPad Air 2 for $6-700 and I’d be happy. But it’s dumb that I can’t have their best media consumption device without MacBook beating hardware.


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2018
Using an iPad to replace a computer to is like trying to use a George Foreman grill to prepare mashed potatoes. They’re both very good at what they do, but there are limitations. Apple’s marketing is misleading for real-life work. Besides no file system, I couldn’t imagine trying to do computer stuff for hours every day by pushing a mouse-less iPad’s screen with my finger.


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2013
Using an iPad to replace a computer to is like trying to use a George Foreman grill to prepare mashed potatoes. They’re both very good at what they do, but there are limitations. Apple’s marketing is misleading for real-life work. Besides no file system, I couldn’t imagine trying to do computer stuff for hours every day by pushing a mouse-less iPad’s screen with my finger.

But have you tried making potato PANCAKES in a Foreman? Delicious!

Amazing Ox Space Monkey

macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2015
Give me the same screen, storage, with the guts of an iPad Air 2 for $6-700 and I’d be happy. But it’s dumb that I can’t have their best media consumption device without MacBook beating hardware.
or this may really surface next march. I’d buy it in a heartbeat. It’s ridiculous tht €350 iPad6 exists and the next step iz the €900 iPad Pro


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Using an iPad to replace a computer to is like trying to use a George Foreman grill to prepare mashed potatoes. They’re both very good at what they do, but there are limitations. Apple’s marketing is misleading for real-life work. Besides no file system, I couldn’t imagine trying to do computer stuff for hours every day by pushing a mouse-less iPad’s screen with my finger.

For operational tasks, it isn't there yet. For creative, art, video, photography, or executive level work - it's great.


macrumors newbie
Nov 25, 2018
Using an iPad to replace a computer to is like trying to use a George Foreman grill to prepare mashed potatoes. They’re both very good at what they do, but there are limitations. Apple’s marketing is misleading for real-life work. Besides no file system, I couldn’t imagine trying to do computer stuff for hours every day by pushing a mouse-less iPad’s screen with my finger.

So the Forman grill can make amazing mashed potatoes for 90% of users?
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macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2018
So the Forman grill can make amazing mashed potatoes for 90% of users?

I think you drank too much Kool-Aid. I love iPads, but for what they are. There is no way 90% of people could replace an office computer with an iPad and be happy. It’s a great portable solution for a lot of things, but without a file system and mouse, it’s never gonna replace a computer. Why can’t you just enjoy it for what it is?
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macrumors newbie
Nov 25, 2018
I think you drank too much Kool-Aid. I love iPads, but for what they are. There is no way 90% of people could replace an office computer with an iPad and be happy. It’s a great portable solution for a lot of things, but without a file system and mouse, it’s never gonna replace a computer. Why can’t you just enjoy it for what it is?
I enjoy the hell out of it for what it is, and it for sure hasn’t completely replaced my office computer since I need to be able to run certain software iOS doesn’t support. I was being purposefully tongue in cheek in order to poke a bit of fun at your analogy.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I think you drank too much Kool-Aid. I love iPads, but for what they are. There is no way 90% of people could replace an office computer with an iPad and be happy. It’s a great portable solution for a lot of things, but without a file system and mouse, it’s never gonna replace a computer. Why can’t you just enjoy it for what it is?

What about as a personal computer? I agree that for work, it all depends on the task and the iPad isn't there yet for everyone. I'd say for a personal/home computer, the iPad could be ideal for a lot of people.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2018
I enjoy the hell out of it for what it is, and it for sure hasn’t completely replaced my office computer since I need to be able to run certain software iOS doesn’t support. I was being purposefully tongue in cheek in order to poke a bit of fun at your analogy.

OK, sorry, my bad. :)


macrumors regular
Nov 13, 2016
What apple needs to do next is to bring up cheaper non-pro version of 12.9” iPad. Just like with the 9.7” 2018 model. There is a lot of us ”non pros” that don’t need all the latest power and features but still want to use bigger and lighter iPad that just works without paying features we don’t need.

So for the non-pro version it would be:
-Previous A chip
-no pencil support
-no magnets
-no usb-c
-no external keyboard support
-no Face ID, touch ID works fine.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
This is why choice is good

For some it can replace their laptop but for others it can’t. MacBooks are still around for a reason

My 12.9 has replaced my laptop but my work flow will be different for others


macrumors 68000
Jul 26, 2012
Lanarkshire Scotland
I had a very short scan@ 64gb 2018 11" Ipad -haven't yet compared retailers.
U.k. cost 888 across 36 months (I don't have upfront finance for my Apple products)
There's certainly a considerable upward trajectory past year or two.
I'll continue with 10.5 during 2019 and possibly catch 11" maybe late 2019 or early 2020.


macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2014
I really wish the 11 iPad could bring me breakfast in bed but since it cannot it is not up to my standards and I'm hesitant to purchase it. I have unrealistic expectations.


macrumors 65816
Dec 28, 2009
It’s obscene. Regardless of how you feel about the iPad.. what can you honestly do on the Pro over the regular iPad at this point? I even purchased a pro.. and I am struggling to find what I can do on the iPad Pro over just the regular 9.7.
It has the keyboard cover
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