True. But Apple's never had a phone to support 4G, so why should we expect a 4G iPhone in the future? Apples never had anything support USB3 or lightpeak, so why should we expect that in the future? Apple's never had sandy bridge in anything, so why should we expect that in the future? Etc.
Past complaints about the old

TV are generally these:
- too little storage
- no 1080i/p playback
- missing third party apps/options like netflix, hulu, etc
- too sluggish
- no DVR functionality
- no BD player
Of course there's others. With this update- about 4 years after the first, and after Apple has had tons of time to hear what owners want most in the next-gen, it appears that we got netflix, and I'm guessing the UI won't be as sluggish.
A normal USB port would open the door for companies like Elgato to add DVR/BD options for those that want them, without others having to pay for features they don't want.
A normal USB port would easily cover the local storage desire by customers- just plug in as much storage as you want, without making others happy with purely streaming from having to pay for storage they don't want.
And only Apple could have addressed the 1080i/p playback, which- to me- is the most disappointing part of the announcement. I hope we don't have to wait another 4 years for

TV nano/micro "even smaller and now with 1080p".