Personally I took a gamble on Amazon and ordered a Smart Folio on sale. If it works, great I saved like 50%. If not, I'll just sell it and recoup my costs. Plus the colors from the last Smart Folio were a lot more my style than the current ones. I know someone said the magnet layout would be different but I think it will be similar enough.As we speak I can already buy the smart folio case now. I don't know if i should buy the smart folio case now or just have it in my cart for April 30th following for your 5th point. hmmm
Yessssss. Everyone ordering the iPads... lets us order our 'Apple TVs' first. I swear, I won't sneak in a 12.9" order by all plan on gumming up the website while I try to buy an Apple TV? You all should just sleep in and let the TV people get their things first.