maybe even updating the ME region keeping the original hardware identifiers
You are thinking for newer Macs, no? Apple did not implemented Intel ME with Mac Pro platform until late-2013 Mac Pro.
I admit the topic name was wrongly chosen, but I am not able to modify it unfortunately.
You can always edit the topic title or ask a moderator to do it.
I wouldn’t compare it with a Matt card which is a pretty dumb device. There’s a lot of logic and functionality added which makes it a different device. An MCU could prevent nvram/bootrom issues when we know when it’s being messed with.
First thing, I'm not trying to discourage you in any way, I can see several ways that a solution like you propose can be extremely helpful. I here to help the discussion.
Sure, I'm not doubting that in the long run we can do that, but it's like the end goal. You will have to initially implement a SPI flash replacement + BootROM switcher and then interact/develop on that, no?
It can protect nvram like opencore does
OpenCore protection of the NVRAM is very narrow and with some very specific issues that happen at boot time
once macOS/Windows is loaded, OpenCore is not running anymore and you can still make havoc with the MacPro5,1 NVRAM VSS store. Yes, the design Apple implemented is this bad when you look with today's hindsight.
and can even switch back to ‘virgin mode’ when needed.
Yeah, some things are easy to avoid, like corrupted headers, I'm sure your logic can scan for some of the most common NVRAM/BootROM errors with some validation/checksum verification/etc.
Also, I had this idea initially, not even knowing if and how much it could contribute to the community. I had some ideas but it needs maturing.
Anything that can be done for improving our Mac Pros, will surely be most welcome.
I like the idea of
@startergo, but I’ve no idea what all would be possible in the end. I am just an embedded hardware ‘nerd’ focusing on improving the poor SPI ROM design of the MacPro and hoping to contribute in a way to enhance the lifespan of these beautiful machines.
Just one other thing to add and going back to my suggestion of the first implementation, a lot of the Mac Pro user base have zero or little interest running anything newer than Mojave.
A lot of Logic Pro guys still run Snow Leopard/El Capitan/High Sierra. Adobe CS6 people can't even go anything newer than High Sierra. Studios and production houses that still run MacPro5,1, most are using it with legacy applications like FCP7.
So, for a good chunk of the perspective public for a solution like this, CoreBoot or even OpenCore have no attractiveness whatsoever.