It's working! And Photoshop CS6 [v13.0.6] is working.
Thanks, good to know!
It's working! And Photoshop CS6 [v13.0.6] is working.
Logic X is failing about 1/4 of the plugins, including UVI and Alchemy.
delete the app and try to redownload from the app store
i made another switch from caffeine not working to coca
and now I'm using owly , only because the icon looks much better and turns red when its on, the other day i turned caffeine on and left the house to go to work, when i came back my screen was still on , with owly you won't miss it because the icon turns red when active
Oh my God this is horrendous. Downloaded El Capitan earlier...the whole computer (Late 2013 iMac) is now completely unstable. Beach Balls when I try to do just about everything. Basic things like writing a calendar event are not simple...I type...nothing happens..Beach Ball...then it zooms ahead. Please tell me others are having similar issues.
Weird. I trashed Logic and reinstalled it. -Same issue. Same issue using a different Admin account. Did you disable the new security features of ElCap? Could it be an auvaltool problem?Alchemy loading for me and playing with no issues. N.I. and IK stuff is crashing validation.
It's crashy. Apparently triggered by moving the window around or something.
Alchemy loading for me and playing with no issues. N.I. and IK stuff is crashing validation.
File Sharing doesn't seem to be working. In Safari it shows "No Service". In Photos on only shows Set DeskTop Picture and iCloud Photo Sharing.
What have I missed?? Some Setting???