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macrumors 6502a
Dec 8, 2019
The Lab DX
It's particularly interesting that the page also lists Intel compatibility. Universal release forthcoming?


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Ah. I see z970’s dog and pony show — replete with the goofy as heck marketing and faux-branding — is back into overdrive.

Don't hold back now! Express your true feelings! :D

What ice cream and throwing stars have to do with big cats, unless to give them tooth decay or to wound them, is a great mystery known only to his imagination. 🤷‍♀️

It would be nice if information had been provided as to what this software actually provides. I don't understand the need for mystery but I'm sure they've got their reasons.
Don't hold back now! Express your true feelings! :D

If only P.T. Barnum were around to see this. 🤔

It would be nice if information had been provided as to what this software actually provides. I don't understand the need for mystery but I'm sure they've got their reasons.

Aw come on… isn’t Leaner Meaner Greener Cleaner Preener Absolüt Keener all we ever really need for a Shougun Tiger 10.4.13?

Whatever the case, what I’m really looking forward to is his OS X Berliner Panther 10.3.10: Icing on the Cake.


macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Mac OS X “10.4.12 Shuriken” features a fresh smoke system bundle to inject into users’ exit ports.
I'm guessing a 4k bottlenecking Unreal Engine 5 smokescreen-and-katanas animation re-rendered into some stripped ultra-efficient ffplay and force-set as both the install movie animation, the desktop wallpaper and the default screensaver that animates after 1 minute.


macrumors member
Aug 28, 2020
It sounds like you either have to have Mac OS X 10.4.11 installed or you machine has to be able to support it. All conjecture on my end.

Yes and iMacG3 supports that.

So let's see how this will work out.

And..even if it is an optimization, it is a good effort I appreciate.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
I see a lot of negative responses on here, which is shame as any development on these legacy systems should be welcomed. That said, I do agree that the sales and marketing gimmicks are really not suitable in this space...

Perhaps I'm only speaking for myself, but I feel your intended "customers" here (and on the garden) are a bit past believing in the hype, and if we weren't we wouldn't bother with legacy systems in the first place. But maybe that's the point of over indulging in the cheese, as it's clearly just intended to be a bit of fun?

However... to the OP (& z970 old friend); Let's keep it honest, cut out the mystery and show some real world comparisons between stock 10.4.11 and your developments. We already know Tiger is zippier than Leopard on these old Macs, Sorbet or not, so the Xbench results are junk.

There is no need for secret sauce, just show your findings and share the progress. If it's as good as you say, let's see it fly!


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
I see a lot of negative responses on here, which is shame as any development on these legacy systems should be welcomed. That said, I do agree that the sales and marketing gimmicks are really not suitable in this space...

I've got nothing against z970: far from it. I just don't understand why there needs to be an air of mystery surrounding this project and a countdown to the remaining days before its unveiled instead of sharing information as to what it actually does.

There is no need for secret sauce, just show your findings and share the progress. If it's as good as you say, let's see it fly!

This is what I want to see. The Macintosh Garden page doesn't contain any solid information and it's a strange approach to take. It's that approach which is fuelling the (imho) justified scepticism.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2020
Maybe he is trying to mimic Apples marketing hype and style in some level? I remember going (from Europe) to Macworld Expos (SF, Boston and NYC) in 90's and early 00's and there was always some kind of secrecy and only innuendo revealed until they (or even Jobs himself) actually published something new and wonderful on stage. Only small suggestions what was to come were revealed beforehand. Sometimes for months to build up excitement.

I have not used any of his previous creations as my PPC stuff has been in storage for ages and only recently I acquired a new one, but I don't see many people doing new OS versions (mods) so I see no wrong in his choice of "publicity strategy". He is not charging money for it, is he? So, does he really own anything to us? I think its great somebody still has interest in doing this stuff. I am sure the details are published soon enough when the thing comes out.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2020
This whole forum is full of people "doing this stuff."
Great to hear. 👍🏻 Please point me into the direction of other "new" OS X -versions. More the merrier. No threads or links needed, just suitable search terms is enough. I'll look them up myself.

Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
I think Z is modeling the Apple :apple: innuendo which I find quite humorous as he iirc is an open-source/free/shareware minded individual.

Like any release, folks will be lined up to test it out & run it through its paces & just like Sorbet, some will love it & some will leave it.

I guess we’ll see :D

One thing though, regardless of your opinion, I applaud his continued efforts as IIRC, per his own words on here that his time is very limited & future projects were unlikely, so this is great news that he has found the time/space to continue churning out projects for everyone.


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2021
North NJ
I think Z is modeling the Apple :apple: innuendo which I find quite humorous as he iirc is an open-source/free/shareware minded individual.

Like any release, folks will be lined up to test it out & run it through its paces & just like Sorbet, some will love it & some will leave it.

I guess we’ll see :D

One thing though, regardless of your opinion, I applaud his continued efforts as IIRC, per his own words on here that his time is very limited & future projects were unlikely, so this is great news that he has found the time/space to continue churning out projects for everyone.
I wanted to comment but wanted to make sure I chose my words carefully. I think you expressed what I think as well perfectly.

Additionally, as someone that was new to the vintage Mac scene 2 years ago, projects like Sorbet were a godsend.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Please point me into the direction of other "new" OS X -versions.
I beg your pardon - apart from the continuing project on 10.6 on PPC no one is making new OSX versions - unless you count a disk image of a customised install as a new version (which some people obviously do.)

My point is, this forum is loaded with advice, methods, hacks and software to massively enhance an existing OSX install - you just have to know what you want to do or enhance and then go looking for it.

The strength of a Sorbet or (presumably) Shuriken is that it's a base install of selected improvements to get the ball rolling if you're new to this.
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