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Had to Google that...

This place?

In a manner of speaking, yah. That franchise was a literal spin-off from his one-hit wonder from 1977, which over time came to express a certain sub-culture way of seeing life for a certain cadre of folks of the era — mostly beach bum aesthetics, but in a specifically Floridian sense (cf., Californian). So “Margaritaville Standard Time” was a ribbing of how the time of release (i.e., which time zone?) was… flexible. :)


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
In a manner of speaking, yah. That franchise was a literal spin-off from his one-hit wonder from 1977, which over time came to express a certain sub-culture way of seeing life for a certain cadre of folks of the era — mostly beach bum aesthetics, but in a specifically Floridian sense (cf., Californian). So “Margaritaville Standard Time” was a ribbing of how the time of release (i.e., which time zone?) was… flexible. :)

Thanks for the context. As a Brit I'm often out of step with North American pop culture references - despite absorbing decades of cultural imperialism. :D


macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Sorry to interrupt your pissing match but the Shuriken is now released.

Downloaded it, will probably give it a try during the weekend.
The upgrade is reversible?? That's the first thing I'll have to blindly trust... haha. Well, not before I make a backup.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 23, 2020
The upgrade is reversible?? That's the first thing I'll have to blindly trust... haha. Well, not before I make a backup.
I'm gonna swap the whole working hd out and install it from scratch to a empty drive. This way going back, if necessary, is a minor job. ;)

I fully also expect bugs to be found when wider audience starts testing it in their random machine setups. So, bug fixes are most likely in (near?) future.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Legend! All I've been asking for this past year is the Jaguar theme on 10.4. Shuriken has it covered, flawlessly.

I need my pinstripes to match my Studio Display. Duh! (Hard to see in the photo, but they're there, including the old Apple logo which was removed in 10.4)

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macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
All I've been asking for this past year is the Jaguar theme on 10.4. Shuriken has it covered, flawlessly.

As I understand, z implements mods and packages them into his “builds”. How or where did this theme come from?
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macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
Considering the work that was accomplished in that thread, the UI tweak looks promising. Kind of hard to resist, IMO.

I don't think I'll be adding Shuriken to my Mini to achieve the look, though. Also am I the only one that appreciates the return of the round menu corners? I love it on my 16" MBP but long for it on my M1 MBA.


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2021
Hi again - I’ve downloaded Shuriken - am I right in thinking it’s just a case of opening the 15 folders in turn and installing things in order, from a copy of 10.4.11 onwards, and then following the links to the various upgrades and additional programmes listed?

I can’t see a disc image with anything pre-installed, unlike with sorbet.

Or am I missing something?

Hi again - I’ve downloaded Shuriken - am I right in thinking it’s just a case of opening the 15 folders in turn and installing things in order, from a copy of 10.4.11 onwards, and then following the links to the various upgrades and additional programmes listed?

I can’t see a disc image with anything pre-installed, unlike with sorbet.

Or am I missing something?

View attachment 2122540

In examining that list of 15, it appears z970’s own contributions are probably located within item #15 — as all the other 14 items originate from places like Apple’s download support pages (i.e., Security Update, RAWCamera, X11 Update, and so on).


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2021
North NJ
Hi again - I’ve downloaded Shuriken - am I right in thinking it’s just a case of opening the 15 folders in turn and installing things in order, from a copy of 10.4.11 onwards, and then following the links to the various upgrades and additional programmes listed?

I can’t see a disc image with anything pre-installed, unlike with sorbet.

Or am I missing something?

View attachment 2122540
Yes, but when I click on the download files it just takes me to the homepage of the Sorbet App Store.


macrumors newbie
Dec 2, 2022
Alberta, Canada
I'm not sure, but I believe the idea is that you'll download all dependencies from the static web he put together ("App store") on Macintosh Garden. I assume that's the plan, but he hasn't updated the links there yet.


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Hi again - I’ve downloaded Shuriken - am I right in thinking it’s just a case of opening the 15 folders in turn and installing things in order, from a copy of 10.4.11 onwards, and then following the links to the various upgrades and additional programmes listed?
If you have an updated 10.4.11 install most of those packages are already installed.

From what I can see, you need to read through and see whether you desire any of the extra apps/demos/screensavers etc - same with the bash script toggles - depending on your experience you may already have most activated with Onyx.


macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2022
Why has this not taken off as much as Sorbet Leopard? Can’t find a single review or video. Are the improvements not that noteworthy? I was really excited about this for G3 macs.


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2021
North NJ
Why has this not taken off as much as Sorbet Leopard? Can’t find a single review or video. Are the improvements not that noteworthy? I was really excited about this for G3 macs.
My guess is that it’s not a simple single install like Sorbet. Both sorbet and shrunken are a collection of existing Apple updates, community updates, and optimizations. What’s nice about Sorbet is you restore it to a partition and you’re ready to go.

I’ve been meaning to try Shrunken but since it takes time to install all the components, I won’t try it until I have to install 10.4 on a machine from scratch. Right now my installations of 10.4 appear to already include the same updates and optimizations as Shrunken.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2020
Ive been finding it fun and light weight to use. Wanna see how it goes on my intel iMac but having probs with dvd drives and getting leopard installed.


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2020
18 days until the release of OSX 10.4.12 Shuriken.

This page is dedicated to the intial and future releases of the newest z970 project.
IT HAPPENED! Finally after a year of making a forum about sorbet for g3 macs. Finally I can now give my iBook G3 some utility, but it broke before it even got announced. So mine as well do it on an iMac G3, which has the same specs as my iBook.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2023
I've been a mac user from 1994 until around 2014 and I decided to give this a go on my old 600MHz iBook (which has been through 2 motherboard replacements in its life since I bought this back in 2002)... and it does seem to make a slight improvement in performance. Honestly it does seem rather hyped up since it's more like a compilation of stuff that people have found many years prior (anyone remember OSXdaily? They documented a couple hacks for leopard years ago) yet I also think he seems to have discovered some new tweaks. I know disabling spotlight has made a noticeable difference, but I'm honestly not sure if a good amount of the tweaks are just placebos or gimmicks. Also, this is tiger on a G3 iBook so it isn't going to be like my PowerBook G4 which absolutely flies on tiger...

I've also installed an SSD (which, by the way, is a pain in the ass!) and maxed out the RAM on here to 640MB. I do notice a speed difference with shuriken applied, but honestly I don't get the whole apple event schtick. I am typing from this right now through AquaWeb Micro, which is resource-intensive on here as I would expect considering this is a 21-year-old laptop.
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macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2019
funny enough i have a similar machine which i recently picked up from a local computer shop to replace one that kicked the bucket, but i prefer running 9.2.2 on it over tiger since that simply runs better anyways. iirc, X ran better on G4s from the start because of altivec.
I've also installed an SSD (which, by the way, is a pain in the ass!)
i can attest to that because i HATE taking these things apart. still have a box of broken ibook g4 systems that are incomplete because i simply don't feel like putting them back together at the moment with known good parts. ech.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2020
I've been a mac user from 1994 until around 2014 and I decided to give this a go on my old 600MHz iBook (which has been through 2 motherboard replacements in its life since I bought this back in 2002)... and it does seem to make a slight improvement in performance. Honestly it does seem rather hyped up since it's more like a compilation of stuff that people have found many years prior (anyone remember OSXdaily? They documented a couple hacks for leopard years ago) yet I also think he seems to have discovered some new tweaks. I know disabling spotlight has made a noticeable difference, but I'm honestly not sure if a good amount of the tweaks are just placebos or gimmicks. Also, this is tiger on a G3 iBook so it isn't going to be like my PowerBook G4 which absolutely flies on tiger...

I've also installed an SSD (which, by the way, is a pain in the ass!) and maxed out the RAM on here to 640MB. I do notice a speed difference with shuriken applied, but honestly I don't get the whole apple event schtick. I am typing from this right now through AquaWeb Micro, which is resource-intensive on here as I would expect considering this is a 21-year-old laptop.
I used a Mac (quadra) back in 1992 when the Uni had me doing image manipulation for research..on a $17,000 set up.
The thing I like about Shuriken is all that tinkering has been done..and I like the App Store set up. Just feels great to use. I've both (Sorbet) on my iBook...and for me has given my iBook renewed interest.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2023
I do love the QoL changes/additions. The shuriken app store helps a lot and it makes it very easy to find what you need. That's partially why I'm typing on my iBook right now! Have never seen a G3 that was at least usable enough to go on the internet for years.
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