I bought my –then– high-end MBP in late 2013 (iirc) when I was working in video production, and it was definitely not overkill. Now, almost ten years later and a couple of career changes later, I just submitted my last papers for an engineering degree on the same machine (original battery, too). I'm fairly certain that if I hadn't gone high-end back then, I'd have needed a new laptop by now for things like COMSOL, CAD, and so on. If I could use a 9-year-old laptop for a degree like this, a new, high-ish end MBP for a Med degree is clearly overkill, but I'd say it's also not ridiculously overkill, and it's a good choice as long as you can afford it. Just be careful with it, no drinking around it, get a good padded backpack/bag.