Dlary's 7300 issue FIGURED OUT !!!
Will go check right now.
10.5.7, yup
Will try Slot1
No manual edits at all.
Moving 7xx to slot1, boots. The Expansion slot utility loads..and sees the 285. Yay!
Now..it seems that since I cant ue the 285 in a x16 slot, that Profile #3 to make slots 1 and 2 both x8 slots..would then be best., or even config option 4.
The 7300GT I ordered has arrived and it works fine in slot 3 of my machine, in regards to booting the GTX285.
It functions just like the Quadro 4500 in that you need to briefly run display from 7300 and then the GTX285, otherwise it is "Second Display".
As far as why this works for me and not SPEEDTOY, I put forth the following :
1. Mac Pro 1,1 vs 2,1...somehow the slots/addressing changed a touch?
2. ROM revision of 7300GT. Mine shows 3008. I opened up the 7300GT FIrmware Update. It appears to be updating Rev 3004 to Rev. 3007. So it seems that there are 3 possible ROM revisions for 7300GT. Perhaps 3008 is needed for proper behavior?
3. Slot 1 needs to be @ 16 Lanes and Slot 3 needs to be @4? Give it a whirl....
Good news is it seems that for Mac Pro 1,1 it is possible to run a GTX285 in conjunction with a 7300GT (most came with these already). Again, this requires Netkas find injector package and the drivers, but NO Flashing or soldering. And since the 7300 requires no additional power, there are enough plugs available to use cards like this.
EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT !!! I did the reverse of my Number 3 above, I set my Slot 3 to 1 lane instead of 4. On next reboot I got a Grey Boot from 7300 which went into kernal panic. So, apparently the second Nvidia card with EFI needs to be @ 4 lanes minimum for Netkas trick to work. All Dlary needs to do is use Expansion Slot Utility to set Slot 1 @ 16 and Slot 3 @ $ lanes. Then the 7300GT will work from slot 3 and the GTX 285 will work in slot 1.