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They need to put up a donation site or a button on their site. I would GLADLY throw them a few bones for R&D!

Great job June Fabrics!
Absolutely the best solution so far!!! the only thing that would top it is if it would create the network itself so that you could use it with devices other than a laptop :)

highly recommended. I will be donating if i can find the spot!
Fantasic App, I payed for iPhone Modem and this works much better!! My £35 O2 contract seems like a bargain all of a sudden :D
I have a question. I got pdanet to work and I'm browsing the web with my laptop. When connected it has Bytes, DNS Lookups, and Connections displayed. What does connections mean and why does the number keep going up and down?
Fantasic App, I payed for iPhone Modem and this works much better!! My £35 O2 contract seems like a bargain all of a sudden :D

As I've mentioned in another thread, it is strictly against O2's Terms and Conditions to use the iPhone like this - if they catch you then you could be facing a huge bill (£2.00 or so per Megabyte!).
i cant get it to work.
i try to go into my wireless card's advance tab but the only thing that shows up in the advance tab is something about the firewall.

only when i enable my LAN does the 'share internet connnection' show up in my wireless cards' advanced settings.

then whenever i try to enable share internet connection and click okay it says that

An error occured while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled.
Internet Connection Sharing Cannot be enabled.
A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address that is required for the automatic IP addressing.
i cant get it to work.
i try to go into my wireless card's advance tab but the only thing that shows up in the advance tab is something about the firewall.

only when i enable my LAN does the 'share internet connnection' show up in my wireless cards' advanced settings.

then whenever i try to enable share internet connection and click okay it says that

An error occured while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled.
Internet Connection Sharing Cannot be enabled.
A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address that is required for the automatic IP addressing.

You are over-doing your settings. The software is easier to setup (if any) than you thought. You don't need to change anything in the Advanced tab, just the Wireless Network tab to create the ad-hoc. You can see more details at
Crappy T-Mobile won't let it connect. It must only work for AT&T. I'm getting constant $CODE$ -_-
Great app. By far the easiest to setup and use of any tethering solution so far. I recommend that mac user setup a new location with just the wifi adhoc network. Then you can easily switch locations and tether at will. Only thing I don't like is the IE symbol in the icon.
I was waiting for this! This is a great piece of software. I've used it for almost 2 years back when I had my Motorola Q thru Verizon evdo. Now it's time to get this on my iPhone :D
After installation of PdaNet on your iphone follow these steps

Step 1 - Set-up an adhoc wireless network your laptop. Depending on what OS (XP/Vista or some Apple OS) you are using each is different.

Step 2 - From your laptop ask to connect to your new adhoc network.

Step 3 - On your iphone go to settings WiFi and conect to the same adhoc network.

Step 4 - Start-up PDA-Net application on the iPhone and turn on the WiFi Router button on the bottom of the screen.

Step 5 - Enjoy real tethering

If it still won't work, from the PC disconnect and reconnect to the adhoc network.

I did this EXACTLY, numerous times. Saw a connection one time, but still couldn't connect in Safari. Weird. Wish I could get this working. Don't know what the secret is...

Update: Re-installed it and it works.. kind of. But not really. Slower that molasses. I'll keep trying..
I have a question that i hope someone here can help me with. When i am tethering with my windows laptop and iphone the internet works beautifuly, except the website This website streams mma pay-per-views. I get an error (Data Execution Prevention (DEP) has shut this operation down...). Anyone have any idea how to get this to stop? Its extremly frusterating because i want to be able to watch these PPV's at work.
Haha! This is amazing! No more messing about with stupid proxies etc!

(I'm writing this using my iPhone's internet..)

I can actually browse USING FIREFOX, I can use uTorrent, MSN, Google Desktop and pretty much all applications! It's just like it's connected to a normal Wifi.. and it actually gives instructions too on the iPhone screen! :

EDIT: It's funny that I'm downloading a Mac OS X ISO to my laptop using uTorrent using my iPhone Unlimited Data! :p

Gee, that won't attract any attention from AT&T. Prepare to be busted...
I would personally recommend that you guys don't use ridiculous amounts of data, for it will surely throw up red flags at AT&T. I would stay away from torrents, streaming large video files, etc...

I have been using it for a couple days so far, and it works great. gives me 1.6mb down, and 314kb up. I am forced to use it since I am visiting my parents in Flint, MI and they don't have internet, or any nearby wifi spots, and I absolutely needed to get work done on the iMac. If AT&T would offer a tethering plan, I would pay for it, but seeing as they don't, I am forced to do this.

I have run into a couple problems over the past couple days though. First, occasionally it takes several tries to get the phone to connect to my iMac. Secondly, after using PDAnet for a while (45 minutes or so) I either get the recharge beep (that you get when you plug the phone into a charger), or the phone simply does a hard reset. The battery still shows good charge, so it isn't the battery draining (plus I keep it plugged into the wall charger while tethering), and the phone is not very warm either (unlike when I use GPS for long periods of time where it gets really hot).

I dont know what is causing the reset problem, but it seems to pop up when on a graphic intensive site, or a site with streaming videos (liveleak, youtube, etc)
Pretty cool... I have both PdaNet and installed. Both work flawlessly for me.
I installed this last night and it works perfectly. I remember reading the post that was downloading an ISO file and it made me cringe.
A curious problem

Why are some people (myself included) having the problem where the iPhone won't let you connect to 3G service if wifi is enabled?

I'm using the 2.1 software and it seems it works for some people and not for others. Everytime I am connected to the ad-hoc network I can't connect to 3G or browse pages on mobile safari. As soon as I disable the wifi ad-hoc network, the phone kicks back to 3G. Any way around this?

iPhone 2.1 jail broken.
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