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Is there a way to have the iphone charge while using pdanet? In my case the battery drains even when its plugged in while using pdanet.

2 things if PDAnet can solve.

* Battery Problem. Should charge when plugged in while connected.
* VPN Connection

Yes, version 1.30 had a built in insomnia mode, allowing it to run while the screen is shut off, and version 1.31 gave improved battery life, so that you can now actually CHARGE the battery, as long as you have it plugged into a wall outlet + you have your iphone screen shut off. This, at least, from my personal experience.
Could I connect an iPod touch to my iphone? So my sister can browse the internet on her IPT and i can on my iPhone when we are on the road?
Could I connect an iPod touch to my iphone? So my sister can browse the internet on her IPT and i can on my iPhone when we are on the road?

I don't think you can create a network on the iPhone or the iPT.
As I've mentioned in another thread, it is strictly against O2's Terms and Conditions to use the iPhone like this - if they catch you then you could be facing a huge bill (£2.00 or so per Megabyte!).

I've read through the thread and the general concensus seems to be that there's no way the mobile operator (O2 etc) can actually detect that you're using a laptop to browse rather than the iPhone itself, is this absolutely correct? As long as I don't take the piss, is there any way O2 can know?
I asked this in another thread but I got no response so i thought I would ask here.

After about ten minutes the connection doesn't work anymore and my phone freezes. My firmware is 2.1 and I'm using version 1.31 of pdanet. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
This application is BRILLIANT! It truly turns your iPhone into a router. Previous applications didn't render ALL websites properly. PDANet is the end-all solution.
Could I connect an iPod touch to my iphone? So my sister can browse the internet on her IPT and i can on my iPhone when we are on the road?

I don't think you can create a network on the iPhone or the iPT.
I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work. The iPod Touch would work just like a laptop computer or any other computer connecting to the wireless network created by PDANet and the iPhone.
I've read through the thread and the general concensus seems to be that there's no way the mobile operator (O2 etc) can actually detect that you're using a laptop to browse rather than the iPhone itself, is this absolutely correct? As long as I don't take the piss, is there any way O2 can know?
I've watched this kind of technology for several years. I seem to recall that many experts said that a network operator could distinguish between the two. That's not what is being said here, for the most part. I'd check around some more if you want to be certain.
I've watched this kind of technology for several years. I seem to recall that many experts said that a network operator could distinguish between the two. That's not what is being said here, for the most part. I'd check around some more if you want to be certain.

The thing is that there are so many customer that they dont check every person internet usage. The only start looking into your activity once go past the 5GB soft cap that ATT use. Aslong as you stay below 5GB a month you wont raise any red flags.
I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work. The iPod Touch would work just like a laptop computer or any other computer connecting to the wireless network created by PDANet and the iPhone.

The trick though, is how to create the network.

I wonder what it would take to develop an app that does that...
The trick though, is how to create the network.

I wonder what it would take to develop an app that does that...
I had assumed that it made your iPhone look like a traditional access point:
This version is called "PdaNet WiFi Router"
I didn't see where it said you had to create an ad-hoc network. That would make it tricky for an iPod Touch then.
FYI, there has been another update to PdaNet, now it's up to version 1.32. After some testing, i have experienced more stable performance, and no crashing whatsoever....update's out on Cydia. :cool:

Changelog for version 1.32:

Version 1.32

* Fix another major memory leak that could cause some iPhones to hang after long period of PdaNet usage.
* Fix a CPU performance issue that will cause unnecessary battery drainage and over-heating.
* Fix an IP address assignment error when the iPhone switches from an existing router.
* Fix conflict with existing DHCP server in your network.
* Assign "my.iPhone" or simply "my.i" to the phone so that you can ssh or scp to your iPhone without looking up the IP.
* This would be our first stable build. All existing PdaNet users should upgrade to this build.
Can anyone with Vista and 1.32 see if downloads lock up on them? Every time I try to download a file (multi-megabyte files) with IE it locks up the download but I can still browse other sites.

Messed with it for a while after discovering it today...had some trouble getting it to work but finally did. Great App. I assumed it made the phone act as an access point. I didn't realize that essentially you setup the ad-hoc network...then start up the wifi router and have the laptop get the dhcp info from the iphone. After I figured that out setup was easy for me.

This was the app that made my dad decide to finally jailbreak his phone. This will allow him to ditch the Aircard he has with AT&T. Just in time since he's going to northern Wisconsin in an RV trip...and won't have access to any wifi while in the RV. He's assuming he'll have a cell signal with his phone...we'll see how that goes.
I cant find this in cydia??? do I need to do something else? also, my phone is not unlocked. what am I doing wrong?

search for'll come up after "pda", it's hosted by (so that should be one of your sources under manage).

Developer level is not needed to get access to it...hacker level found it for me.
Can anyone with Vista and 1.32 see if downloads lock up on them? Every time I try to download a file (multi-megabyte files) with IE it locks up the download but I can still browse other sites.


I don't know if this is a common problem or not but it is a major issue.

I am experiencing the exact same thing under OS X. Nothing large works, speedtests don't work, Safari downloading doesn't work, YouTube videos don't work... What is going on here?

Anyone else having this issue too? Anyone know how to solve it?
I've been using PdaNet extensively for the first time over the last couple of days, and have found that even version 1.32 is not particularly stable over a long period of time. Every hour or so it seems to lock up, and I've had to restart the phone a number of times to get it working again. It seems especially prone to locking after sitting relatively idle for a long period of time.

I'd also like to know when we can expect to see a new, vpn capable version (and what exactly is preventing this version from working now - even my normally firewall proof OpenVPN connection is being thwarted). Connecting to my vpn on the phone after connecting to PdaNet does not work for me either. The vpn connects fine, but I cannot access any network resources (Internet access works).
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