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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

Great shot. You've really caught the 'essense' of gull. And the soft lighting's just right, too, with no harsh shadows. I just put a sheet of paper over the screen, to block off the land at the top: seems to make the bird stand out even more (the eye doesn't 'wander' up and down the pic). Try it... :)

This is an old packhorse bridge in the English Lake District, made of slate and held together by nothing more than gravity... :eek:



macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
Ok i did this really quick, so I know its not

These were taken last night during the candlelight vigil held for the one year anniversary of the shootings at Virginia Tech

click for bigger!

"We Remember 32"


  • Devotion.jpg
    512.2 KB · Views: 108


macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2007
Great shot. You've really caught the 'essense' of gull. And the soft lighting's just right, too, with no harsh shadows. I just put a sheet of paper over the screen, to block off the land at the top: seems to make the bird stand out even more (the eye doesn't 'wander' up and down the pic). Try it... :)

Thanks for the comment!

Yeah I agree. I am not sure why I did not crop my bird pictures. I guess I kinda liked the unfocused boardwalk in the background, but the simple bird + water looks better.

Ok i did this really quick, so I know its not

These were taken last night during the candlelight vigil held for the one year anniversary of the shootings at Virginia Tech

click for bigger!

"We Remember 32"

Very touching, good work.

Here is another sunset pic.. yes I know


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
This isn't an earth-shattering image by any means, but this is one little critter!! My family is on vacation in Maui and my parents found this in their bathroom, he hung around so we dropped some change for size comparison. It's just amazing to think of how little this lizard is, yet he's got everything he needs to be alive. Fascinating!



macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006
This is an old packhorse bridge in the English Lake District, made of slate and held together by nothing more than gravity... :eek:

Thanks Doylem, I can see what you mean about the sun, thanks for the tip.
By the way this picture of the bridge is just beautiful, it's also strange how they could build bridges hundreds of years ago and they are still standing whereas nowadays a bridge doesn't last 20 years without them having to rebuild it umpteen times :rolleyes:

Just a simple little photo I thought was kinda cute:

"Quackers" (non-HDR)

I really love this shot Carlos, the expression & the colour just brilliant.


This is mine for today, I generally like the way it turned out but I'm still not convinced by the tree root ball in the foreground, I thought it made it more interesting when I took it but think maybe I should have cropped it out. Is it too distracting ? :confused:


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
It's a beautiful pic, but I agree: the 'whatever-it-is' in the foreground attracts the eye (and not in a good way ;)).

I wondered if it could take a bit of cropping, off both sides, to leave just a couple of stems in the foreground.



macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2007
I was in Hawaii (Oahu) on business a week or so ago, and things went so well that we were told we could go home early. "Unfortunately" there were no homeward-bound flights available, so the boss told me I could basically take a 3 day vacation on the company. So I tooled around the island with my trusty little Canon point-n-shoot (a PowerShot SD1000...I'll be getting a "real" camera in a few months).

It rained most of those 3 days, but I still managed to get some interesting pictures.

Anyway, over the next few days I'll post some of my favorite shots from there. I don't think they're too bad for a hack with a point-n-click camera, but I'm sure you'll let me know if that's true or not :cool:

I thought this first one was pretty cool, but something about the jpeg conversion sure did mess with the corners..


  • IMG_2658.JPG
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macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2007
This is mine for today, I generally like the way it turned out but I'm still not convinced by the tree root ball in the foreground, I thought it made it more interesting when I took it but think maybe I should have cropped it out. Is it too distracting ? :confused:

I like the original the best. Sunsets imo are really supposed to be in landscape. Cropping horizontally takes away the beautiful reflection of the wtaer in the foreground, and cropping vertically, just makes the picture not as appealing. Not sure why.
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