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macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
a friend of mine.

Wow, wonderful shot. Great capture of the energy and rush. Well done! :)


macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
Suberb light, TheReef. Do you have a shot that includes more of the water? Looks as though it's probably quite beautiful. That little glimpse is such a tease. :D

That kind of light is so unlike anything we've been getting in the Bay Area. We've had day after day of stark, cloudless blue skies and blindingly strong light the last couple of months. The sun here doesn't seem to lose its power and cast that golden light until it's too low to illuminate much (especially with all of the buildings around here). :(

Oh well, at least uber-blue skies make water look that much bluer (in a location where I got a brief respite from the city):

Tomales Bay, CA

Hi Phrasikleia, same here during summer, the sun is right above you with blue skies... the time I use a bit less camera and more sun screen :p

Right now it's Autumn, the sun hangs off to the side most of the day and it has been quite rainy, just waited for the sun to poke through, as explained by our good friend Doylem. :)

It's quite a nice change, sure beats getting up at 5am every morning to catch the sunrise over the sea to the east. And on cloudy mornings you may only have 5 minutes on that day to get anything decent...

Sorry, don't have much more of the water, just a sunrise down on the sand I may post tomorrow.

Uber blue for sure, very nice photo!

EDIT: srf4real, love the colour contrast, and speed splash!


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

This is my favourite kind of light: part sun, part cloud. It seems to bring the best out of stonework, green landscapes, just about anything really. It worked with film, and now with digital too. I think it's something to do with tones being 'compressed': ie fewer extremes of dark and light for cameras to cope with. Pix taken in this light don't seem to need much PP...

A quiet corner of Giggleswick (yes, Giggleswick...). :)

The datestone about the doorway is 1689...



macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007

My first B&W Panaromic Landscape photo :D And I think I finally manage to get panaromic right :D C&C appreciated and anyone know why is the right part of they sky look a lil bit odd?

Im going to post my addition of this month theme, I cant decide if I should made the photo into B&W or sepia like, any suggestions?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2008

a bass I'm helping sell for a friend. Always fun to take pictures of instruments!


Jan 30, 2009
Putting your heart and soul into it!

Julia Ross - Everlife - Jacksonville Florida - 4/18/09

more photos can be seen here



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Quiet woods - mostly alder bottom land.

Playing around with tone mapping in Photomatix (as you can tell by the watermark...) I'm going to compare it with exposure blending using the same three RAW files... but I don't really know what I'm doing yet. This shot isn't really too special, but I was looking for wide tonal values to experiment with, so mid-day light in the woods definitely provides this. I guess we'll see where this goes... :)

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