Ken! The leaves! Up top! Why?Had a play with post processing on a previous Glenfinnan Viaduct picture, as the light was naff, went with the moody landscape option. C&C or general fun poke-age welcome.
DSCF2363-Edit-Edit.jpg by Ken OHagan, on Flickr
***Potential Trigger Alert - Throwaway Image***
The long exposure I took a couple of nights ago, where the turbulence of the waves has made the focus look soft on the rocks in random places. I'll be back...
Canon 6D, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Multi-segment Metering, Bulb Mode, Formatt-Hitech Firecrest 16 Stop ND
ISO 100, 40mm, f/4, 5 minutes
Ken! The leaves! Up top! Why?
Sorry, couldn't help myself, mate.
Thats a cracker
***Potential Trigger Alert - Throwaway Image***
The long exposure I took a couple of nights ago, where the turbulence of the waves has made the focus look soft on the rocks in random places. I'll be back...
Canon 6D, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Multi-segment Metering, Bulb Mode, Formatt-Hitech Firecrest 16 Stop ND
ISO 100, 40mm, f/4, 5 minutes
Ken! The leaves! Up top! Why?
Sorry, couldn't help myself, mate.
Thank you. The colour version wasn't up to muchThats a cracker
Leaves removed...
Real photographers get it right in cameraThats a cracker
Leaves removed... Sorry, will try to not do it again...![]()
I like. I'd have said it was a shell.Another take on one of the old (rusted) cable spools in front of my daughter's school. The school was a former factory and it was decided to keep a couple of items like this about the place when the building was renovated. This picture and the one I posted yesterday were both taken with an iPhone 8.
Cable Spool by Lance Randall, on Flickr
Real photographers get it right in camera
I never do!
I like. I'd have said it was a shell.
Another Wales shot. Couldn't decide if this should be colour or B&W? I might post one in monochrome later this week.
_DSC6728 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
Comments always welcome.
Thank you kindly. 470 seconds was the shutter speed.I like this in color because of the color of the water stands out. What was your shutter speed? Love the silkiness of the water. Composition is good.
Woke up this morning and almost had a heart attack. Opened up my shades and it was snowing out.My calendar says April 19. Thought I was in a dream or something. The forecast said rain, NOT SNOW!!!! Ugh, I really want to go out to get some spring shots. The weather hasn't been cooperating. I've enjoyed looking at everyone's spring photos. They are all beautiful.
This photo of the rhododendron was taken last year. I had the bush taken down as it was severely overgrown and replaced with my own garden of flowers.Can't wait for them to bloom!
Taken with Canon 80D with Lensbaby Sweet 50. Love this lens!
Spring flowers in the garden.
View attachment 758957
The photo was taken with iPhone SE & VSCO app, plus light editing afterwords in the app.
As they say - the best camera is the one you have with you, or in my case the only one im having…![]()
Had a play with post processing on a previous Glenfinnan Viaduct picture, as the light was naff, went with the moody landscape option. C&C or general fun poke-age welcome.
DSCF2363-Edit-Edit.jpg by Ken OHagan, on Flickr