Reminds me of a joke I once heard, "I have one kid on his way to Penn State, and the other on his way to State Pen."
Reminds me of a joke I once heard, "I have one kid on his way to Penn State, and the other on his way to State Pen."
Reminds me of some of the pictures I have seen of San Quentin out here in the Bay Area, and it is still open!
Eastern43.jpg by Charles Martorelli, on Flickr
Taken from Kerala, India 😀I’m little curious here…
is this taken from South America or maybe from Miami or something?
it’s looks like an rainforest. A beautiful one🙂
When we bought our house 5 years ago, the backyard was completely overgrown. As I was hacking back the vine honeysuckle, I came across a sad little twig of French lilac fighting for daylight. It had a volunteer elm sapling growing next to it, and I could tell at one time this lilac was a larger shrub. It was so thick it was only by chance that I even recognized it, but I gave it a chance. Fast forward to today, and this sad little lilac is now a full-blown shrub, covered in flower buds that are waiting to open here any day.
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