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Apparently a chandelier stuck in an egg shaped frozen thing is art... :confused:

I'm loving the depth to this one, Peter.

Wow that's a real beaut Peter. Nice job.

Daaammn, son. That's really quite lovely.

great shot well done

Thanks for the kind thoughts guys. It was one of those lucky and happy moments. You know...being in the right place at the right time.



One stop shopping...Alaska style.
more wildlife from the flower garden

Hyla cinerea feeling the morning sun radiate through a dew covered Colocasia esculenta leaf or...Green Tree Frog feeling the morning sun radiate through a dew covered Elephant Ear leaf. :)

I converted my D300 to IR several years ago. Took some shots and then stopped. Decided to pick it up again. It was an old body that I wasn't using anymore, so don't regret the conversion. But a PITA to use.

Focus is a royal pain. Lifepixel will calibrate a certain lens, but different lenses will be off. Even the same lens if it is a zoom will be off at different focal lengths.

You pretty much have to shoot with either a calibrated prime or use Live View for focus.

White balance is pretty important, even if shooting RAW. Because it's IR, you are heavily reliant on the red channel and LR/photoshop don't let you adjust WB enough in post to compensate for the IR wavelengths. Shooting a custom WB with the camera aimed at a green scene helps with this.

Here is a shot from today that I liked the IR effect, but the focus is completely borked. May post more as I play with this more.

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