I converted my D300 to IR several years ago. Took some shots and then stopped. Decided to pick it up again. It was an old body that I wasn't using anymore, so don't regret the conversion. But a PITA to use.
Focus is a royal pain. Lifepixel will calibrate a certain lens, but different lenses will be off. Even the same lens if it is a zoom will be off at different focal lengths.
You pretty much have to shoot with either a calibrated prime or use Live View for focus.
White balance is pretty important, even if shooting RAW. Because it's IR, you are heavily reliant on the red channel and LR/photoshop don't let you adjust WB enough in post to compensate for the IR wavelengths. Shooting a custom WB with the camera aimed at a green scene helps with this.
Here is a shot from today that I liked the IR effect, but the focus is completely borked. May post more as I play with this more.