I really think that someone is poisoning them around here. Those and bats. I haven't seen either one at all this year. The squirrel count is down too. Someone posted, locally, a way to 'eliminate bats', and my heart sank... Bats EAT THEIR WEIGHT IN INSECTS, EVERY NIGHT! (Supposedly), and besides even if they don't, they still DO consume many bugs, so killing them is dooming us to a life full of insects, and chemicals that will kill us too. I'm so damned sad at the idiocy of so many people.
And the illogic too.
I visited a town on the edge of a bay a good days drive from here, and that distance almost seems like I drove to sanity too. The drains were all labled 'no dumping this drain goes to the bay', and many people with yard signs declaring they weren't using fertilizers and herbicides on their lawns for the same reason, and I get 'home', and get quotes for 'whole yard pesticide treatments', and companies wanting to douse my yard in fertilizers to 'have that lawn the neighbors envy'. And yeah, a river runs near here, that dumps into a bay. Stupid stupid people. I totally stopped using all but 'organic' fertilizers years ago, and dropped using that when I found out that it's probably made from the residue at water treatment plants. I can't be buried in my own lawn, but they will let me dump the scum from the bottom of the treatment plant on it? Brilliant...
Sorry for the rant, but I just miss seeing them. One, a couple of years ago, seemed to come back year after year. I always saw it, and one year I was late getting the feeder out, and it hung around, outside the window, apparently trying to get my attention to 'get with the program here'! I got it out that afternoon, and the next day, it took three huge helpings of the nectar I put out. It made my day... So colorful, so 'Type A', so amazing. What harm do they do, and bats too. *sigh*