Wow you went a long way in repurposing that tunnel for your photo!
Very nice.
Nice. Is that in a subway?
We had a nasty freezing rain last Sunday in Toronto, which left lots of homes without power, tons of trees broken under the weight of the ice and blocking roads everywhere. On the bright side, it provided some interesting photo opportunities.
Seen below are the ice formations on the underside of an outdoor BBQ installed in a local park. Anyone up for a Christmas picnic?
Untitled by FriskyFreeze, on Flickr
The background was not ideal for wildlife photography ---I was in a parking lot, but hey, it was a Great Egret that allowed me to get pretty close for very nice set:
Great Egret Portrait by Macrudite, on Flickr
Your location might not have been the best, but you made the best of what you had. I quite like the dark background against the white.
Got myself an ND filter for Xmas.
IMG_2422.jpg by Puckman2012, on Flickr
What's the best way to correct for the color cast in PP? Anyone?
I only have Lightroom. Tried playing with WB settings. Manually even. And with the eye dropper. No success.
Can't find anything "neutral" toned in the pic to use as my reference point.
Yeah, that's not really Lightroom's job.
This is what I managed in Photoshop:
All I did was blitz it with green and twist around the brightness a little to adjust for the colour tone changes I made.
Photoshop Elements is available in the App Store and incredibly cheap given its feature set, I highly recommend you move to that for editing over Lightroom.