The first in a series, I'm calling "Closer to God." Just me looking at places of worship with various clouds whizzing on by!
This is, I believe, the first mosque in Adelaide. It's in the city and I used to live a block away from it back in the late 80's. It is an old house that has been converted and expanded upon, with the neighbouring two houses now becoming part of it as new extension wings.
I sat here for over half an hour taking 40 second to 80 second exposures and this was the best cloud movement I got out of the pictures I took yesterday afternoon.
The worshippers, coming and going were a little bemused by this homeless looking dude sitting on the pavement across the road, with a big camera and lens aimed at their building of worship. I was all ready to explain how a long exposure hides people and it was their building I wanted to capture. No one was phased, I got many nods and waves and even a few "guddays!"
I couldn't get the symmetry I wanted, there is a bloody street-light and tree in the way. Might have to go back with an angle grinder, the tree I can live with! ;-)
Closer to God 001 by
playswithlight, on Flickr