As always, comments appreciated!
Lera by acearchie, on Flickr
Can't seem to find a circular screw-on ND from Hitech on the B&H website. Only their 4x4 variety. Hm.
Pitlochry, Scotland. C&C welcome!
Great shot! We get a small number of Snowy Owls in Colorado each year, but I have yet to see one. Absolutely fantastic bird.
Thank you. This is the first and only Snowy I've seen and it took my breath away...such a magnificent creature.
Another view:
Not my normal sort of material, but what the hey! I'm loving playing with the 10 stopper. Again, edited in Lightroom and using no add-on packs or tools of any sort.
Ginger by playswithlight, on Flickr
I love that it allowed you to get captures of it from different angles. It is probably the most exquisite bird I've seen too! The resident Ornithologist in training loved it too!
Not my normal sort of material, but what the hey! I'm loving playing with the 10 stopper. Again, edited in Lightroom and using no add-on packs or tools of any sort.
I really like what you've managed to get with the 10 stop! I have a 6 stop, as I thought I could combine it with my polarising filter for that extra stop or so, but it's just not giving me enough. Think these pictures have convinced me to get a big stopper! Thanks.
I love it. Very moody and atmospheric.