Loverly location.
I'm detecting a theme!
The Force is strong with you, AFB!
U-Cut Tree Lot by MCH-1138, on Flickr
D7000 Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 55mm 1/250 @ f/11 2 Speedlights
I'm detecting a theme!
Is it written by John Williams and goes something like D-D-D-DUUUN, DAAAAN! D-D-D-DAAAAN!! DUUUN-D-D-D-DAAAAN! DUUUN-D-D-D-DOOOOON?
Posted something similar of the same subject in the past. That pic was horizontal rather than vertical. I think it was also hand-held rather than on a tripod.
Anyway, here is my newer take on the subject.
Not really a digital photo as I took this with my Pentax.. but thought I'd share it anyway.
Untitled by Destroysall, on Flickr
Thank you, it's quite a popular trail with the runners.Nice colors Alex! Looks like a good trail to run on.