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So…. about a week ago I had some business to deal with in Lower Manhattan . When I looked outside before leaving the house , I saw it was a nice uniformly overcast day , and I thought ' I'll take my camera and get some shots of the Flatiron building with a really wide lens (15/4.5 Voightlander screwmount)'. No need to worry about shooting into the sun ' cause there's a nice matte overlay of clouds. Which departed probably 3 minutes before I exited the Subway on 23rd. revealing to me a clear sky with a bright sun right in any shot I tried . But there was this silvery thing just across the street , looked sorta like a cross between a geodesic dome and a piece of wrecked aircraft . And you could walk inside it . Like a kaleidoscope inside , with shapes and colors changing as one changed position . So I took the shot.


M9 , 35/2 , f-something @1/something else , definitely some ISO involved.

I do NOT wear red shoes .
Mrs. r.harris1 doesn't sit for portraits so I had to substitute myself. I am generally an available light guy (and I don't really do people) but I promised myself over the winter I'd start to teach myself some flash & lighting basics. Obviously, I've a ways to go but I hope to improve a lot over the coming weeks. I didn't nail the eye focus (manual focus lens so slightly awkward getting it just right) and no finesse at all with the light, of course. Comments, tips, pointers appreciated.

Selfie by Ray Harrison, on Flickr

No constructive help at all to you, but I think it's much better lighting than I can manage :)

Now if I only had a Bad Guy living nearby to teach me ;)

Cheers :)


Yes, I'd love The Bad Guy to teach me, but I don't make a good male stripper :)

I've never stripped a male my life :D

How about 'Bad Guy' On Tour - we could all keep him in beer and fresh raw meat as compensation, plus scintillating conversation of course :)

Cheers :)


Holy ****!! I leave you guys alone for a week or so and this what you get up to? Such shenanigans.
Anyway, good to see some people shots in this months offering. Nice work team. :D

As for advice, what do you want to know? Getting your focus right is always a good start. :p

I noticed you used an 85mm on your shot there. That's a good choice for people shots. I love mine. So, inspired by Ray and his 85mm self portraiture, here's one I shot about an hour ago. 85mm f1.2 / 180 / 100 two light setup.

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