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macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2009

playing with the leaves


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Joe King

macrumors 6502
Mar 22, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
The Druid's Judgement Seat:

Formerly a Bronze Age portal tomb and described in 1799 as "three small cromlechs, surrounded by a circle of upright stones, about 135ft [41m] in circumference", The Druid's Judgement Seat is a Victorian folly built from the orthostats of the original monument. When the mound was opened around 1797, stone chambers containing skeletons and urns were found. When originally constructed, the site would have overlooked Dalkey Island to the north-east so that the summer solstice sun would have risen over the island. Today it faces a wall in a secluded grove in a modern housing estate in Killiney, County Dublin.


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2008

This is my second stranger shot from the same shoot as the photo from yesterday.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT

Continuing the vancouver theme. :)

VERY nice shot! I love the seagull 'accent', really just adds to it. Very nice!!!

So, Everything is ugly and dead here, and I haven't had any people shoots lately, so I've been letting my camera gather dust :( Here's a recent shot though, nonetheless:


Canon EOS 5D Mark II :: 40 mm :: f 11 :: 1/100 sec :: iso 50


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Nice balancing act: shooting into the sun without flare getting in the way. The tyre's a nice touch, too. Any news about the rest of the car? :p

You'll have to ask the hobbits (see below). ;)

What a great shot......

I kinda wish the tire wasn't there it would make it more believable when I imagine a couple of hobbits jumping that creek.......

They are very clever about using the tire to hide their hobbit hole. ;)


Yup, in the Sequoia foothills.


This is my second stranger shot from the same shoot as the photo from yesterday.

Lots of personality here. Terrific portrait.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

On the vertical shot, there seemed to be too much sky (unless you're shooting for a magazine cover), and the composition looked 'forced'. There's probably just as much sky on the 'landscape' shot, but it looks much more natural in this format. You 'centred' the boat between the piers of the bridge; even though the boat is smaller in this version, the eye goes straight to it. And the gull is what you get if you wait a few minutes rather than shoot right away (unless you were just lucky ;)). After noting the boat and the gull, the eye can wander round the picture, picking up details. I like the 'loose cropping' and the sense of space (maybe crop the building out at far left??)..

It would make a good calendar shot: something to keep on the wall for a month.


macrumors 6502a
First off, sorry for the huge comment! I don't normaly get to visit here very often cause i'm always busy, so i always end up going through the pages i havent seen and picking out all the ones i love, haha :D


I went shooting with a 3 other friends in this location, and it was interesting to see that we all shot pretty much the same subjects, but our photos came out very different from one another.
Nice, really well shot! Pretty model too :D

Bikes, Sunset Beach, San Diego, at a bike rental place. Used aperture priority to get depth of field.
Really like this... visually pleasing, lots of colour! though i see no depth of field?

I recently discovered Chase Jarvis and have spent the last few days reading through his blog. I downloaded his iphone app Best Camera and have a new found appreciation for my iphone's camera. Here's one of my first shots taken / edited with the app.

Good god man, you took that on your iphone!? that looks bloody brilliant!

Huntington Beach, CA

there's a few more surfing shots in my signature link.

The water looks really nice, but the subject is out of focus/motion blurred. Faster shutter speeds next time perhaps? Good photo nonetheless :)

Absolutely stunning.


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2007
Not much to say about this one. I'll probably replace it with the full-size image later today.


1/250? | f8 | ISO 800


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