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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016


macrumors 601
Apr 2, 2004
Here is another from the other night at the Falkirk Wheel. I like this one for some reason. Can't put my finger on it. It isnt an obvious angle to take it from so suspect it is just my brain liking the colours.

by Ken OHagan, on Flickr

Wow - nicely done Ken. Awesome shot. I agree with Alex - lose the lights on the right for more impact.
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macrumors 604
Jul 18, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Here is another from the other night at the Falkirk Wheel. I like this one for some reason. Can't put my finger on it. It isnt an obvious angle to take it from so suspect it is just my brain liking the colours.

EDITED to remove lights...

DSCF5891-Edit.jpg by Ken OHagan, on Flickr

I went back and removed the lights in my original post.

Much better! thanks @Alexander.Of.Oz and @MacRy


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Try playing with various crops of this, bringing in the right hand side just the tiniest bit to get rid of the road, and try various amounts of bringing up the bottom reflections. Personally, I'm not sure that the reflection of the sky adds much to the image overall, as it's not quite clear and vibrant enough in this case.

Love the use of shallow DOF here, Peter!

Some icicles . Pretty cold this A.M. when I went out (8F) , but when I got back a few hours later it was 16 .

View attachment 745686
5D2 , 24-105@105 , f9.5@1/250 , ISO 100
So it's almost sub-tropical then! ;)
I like the contrast of movement against the frozen. Have you played with this one in B&W?

What a quaint little building, I hope no-one was injured in that fire. Very interesting observing the foam or water in the cold! Well captured, Nathan, and I think your choice of mono here is bang-on to highlight and draw attention to the details.
Very nicely done.
Thanks, AFB, it's part of an exercise I like to do regularly, walking around the yard with my macro lens at f/2.8, seeing what I can capture in mono.
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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Try playing with various crops of this, bringing in the right hand side just the tiniest bit to get rid of the road, and try various amounts of bringing up the bottom reflections. Personally, I'm not sure that the reflection of the sky adds much to the image overall, as it's not quite clear and vibrant enough in this case.

Thanks for the feedback. I completely forgot about the road. Thought the reflection added to it but I see what you mean.
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macrumors 68000
Aug 10, 2003
The Hill
well, two identical photos of the same cat, however cute it is, is too many... :)

Nah, should have left it. Make up for all the dog posts. *FYI, I love dogs and cats. Have them both but it seems that cats just don't get the same recognition. Here's to more cat posts.
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macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
So it's almost sub-tropical then! ;)
I like the contrast of movement against the frozen. Have you played with this one in B&W?
When I first downloaded it , I played with B&W conversion in ACR , but wasn't too happy with it . So I went back and tried again , this time using Silver Efex . Much better than the first attempt. (to my eye at least).



macrumors 601
Apr 14, 2005
Nah, should have left it. Make up for all the dog posts. *FYI, I love dogs and cats. Have them both but it seems that cats just don't get the same recognition. Here's to more cat posts.
True, you can never have too many cat (or bird) photos.

Is your username a reference to these creatures?
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macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
Taken in Nov. 2017 as part of a trip out to this particular site(I've been photographing it for 10 years). This view is one of my favorites on the building.

This is the former Old Taylor distillery, and specifically a side of the "castle" that graces the front of the property. This is also located on McCracken Pike in Woodford County, KY-a few miles from the Labrot & Graham(Woodford Reserve) distillery.

Nikon F100 with the 14-24 2.8. This was taken on Kodak Ektar 100. This is one of the newest elmusions on the market, having been introduced in 2008. Kodak advertises it as the finest grained color negative film on the market, and it's also optimized for scanning(true of virtually all new Kodak emulsions of the last ~20 years). It is fairly saturated for a negative film, and also has a bit more contrast than consumer films(and a LOT more than the Portra line). This makes a bit fussier to expose than typical C-41 films, but it sings when you get it right.


As a side note, any Nikon digital users who want to try film would, IMO, be hard pressed to find a better all around camera than the F100. The camera shares a pretty common lineage with the D200/D300/D700/D800 so will feel comfortable to anyone who has used those cameras. The meter is excellent(although not as good as the F5 or F6). It will meter(CWA only) with any AI lens, and gives matrix and spot with CPU lenses. AF-S, VR, and G lenses are fully compatible with it. The finder isn't as good as the F5 or F6(one of those things you give up for the significant weight savings over those bodies). The AF module is the same as the F5(and D1 series cameras) with 5 sensors, although the in-body motor doesn't have the torque to crank heavy screwdriver lenses around like the F5 can. Still, it's an all around great camera and well under $200.
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