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Cape L'agulhas.jpg

The lighthouse at Africa's southernmost point. Cape L'agulhas, Western Cape, South Africa. October, 2019.
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This one has me snookered! But I’m thinking tomatoes?
Yes! I had set a couple of tomatoes in a dish and for some reason they caught my eye and I noted how red they were and that also they were in a red dish, so that spurred me to grab the camera, set things up on my dresser in the bedroom (which is under two windows which get nice light in the afternoons) and do some shooting.... :)
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Was this taken through a screen? I see a uniform pattern over the entire picture. I have the same problem when try to get a picture on my porch without opening the door and disturbing the subject.
Huh? It was taken standing outside next to my car. What kind of a uniform pattern? Would it have something to do with post-processing? I don't see anything like that! Anybody else see it? Weird.
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