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This is going to be either a love it or hate it picture!

I love it. I was thinking about buying some miniature figures for macro. Can't remember where, but I saw some cool ones of a mountaineer climbing mash potato.

These aren't figures, they're me! The miniature and surreal series of shots I'm working on are a test of my compositing and perspective recreation skills :)

EDIT: Look up Vincent Bousserez, I think he's the one that really started it all off (or at least has become well known).
Great Blue Heron

Photo of the Day: July 2014

Haven't had the chance to shoot much lately but here is a snippet of last week's fun on the tube. I love how the lady in the poster is so happy and seems to be laughing in the face of all of the poor sods waiting for the fourth train to arrive to see if they can actually get on this one.


Fujifilm X100
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A very wet weekend.

As always, comments appreciated!


Interesting shot Archie with a lot to look at. Personally, I would prefer the "large landscape / small people" approach (read that recently but can't remember where).

I'm thinking people further into the frame somewhere would look good.

~ Peter
Interesting shot Archie with a lot to look at. Personally, I would prefer the "large landscape / small people" approach (read that recently but can't remember where).

I'm thinking people further into the frame somewhere would look good.

~ Peter

Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately, it wasn’t really an option to pose people as it was a ‘work’ trip! I think with some more eye-catching umbrellas the little people big frame approach could have worked quite well. Next time I’ll make sure I find something big, bright and red!

Sorry your holiday is a wet one. I like the shot, but having read C&A comments I agree them being passed the bench would be even better.
A couple of brighter umbrellas would have looked nice to, but these are your friends, not models to direct.

... Not a holiday either! I was off shooting a corporate retreat and tried to grab a couple of personal photos wherever I could. Made me fall in love with my 6D again after a recent long stint with my Hasselblad.

I shot completely with primes which is something I haven’t done yet on digital and I can definitely say that it made me think about what I was shooting a lot more!

Haven't had the chance to shoot much lately but here is a snippet of last week's fun on the tube. I love how the lady in the poster is so happy and seems to be laughing in the face of all of the poor sods waiting for the fourth train to arrive to see if they can actually get on this one.


Fujifilm X100

Brushed passed this one yesterday but as I passed it again I have to agree with others that it’s a very eye-catching shot. The juxtaposition works well.

If you were looking for feedback I would see if you could crop off any of the top as it’s quite empty compared to the busy bottom of frame.

For my shot it’s the reverse of the team at the lake.

As you can see it was raining, cold and windy but we still had a job to do. The 6D held up well in the rain. As it was what pretty much ended my time with the 600D I was slightly apprehensive but it seems to be alright!

by acearchie, on Flickr
If you were looking for feedback I would see if you could crop off any of the top as it’s quite empty compared to the busy bottom of frame.

Thanks and you're absolutely right. I thought the same myself after I had posted it but was too lazy to go and crop it and upload it again. Here's a quick crop using Photoshop on my iPad.


By the way, for what it's worth, I liked your first shot with your friends in the front of the shot. It worked for me.
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