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They grow up so fast...


This is a pair of juvenile Eastern Bluebirds. I had planned on getting shots of them interacting and feeding with the adults but missed that time by about a week.
When I first saw this (on iPad). I thought he was carrying your tripod!

Haha, too funny :). I don't normally shoot candids of people I don't know. Makes me a bit uncomfortable. Pushing myself to do it more though. Many of the photos that inspire me involve random people.
Haha, too funny :). I don't normally shoot candids of people I don't know. Makes me a bit uncomfortable. Pushing myself to do it more though. Many of the photos that inspire me involve random people.

I know what you mean. Especially children. I've got an event on Sunday where I can do candids. I'll try and be brave.
Another from last weekend, this time in Boston. I find alleys really interesting for some reason.

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Dry Riser

Went to have a look at the empty blocks of flats at Park Hill in Sheffield. Some flats have been 're-imagined' by trendy developers Urban Splash, but it looks like they're struggling to sell units. Two blocks still await development. The individual flats are boarded up at the moment, but other than that it's freely open to explore.

Where once were People by Parkin Pig, on Flickr
So much to like in this shot, the brightness of it all really adds a lovely sense of calm, framing/composition is lovely too!

Hey Thanks. I wish I had a wider angle lens but I managed to get most of it without falling in the water. Do you think the water is too "washed" out?

A Scots stormy summers day.

Does no one have a thought on my picture.

Would appreciate one!

I like the colours in this photo, very evocative of a stormy summers day. I'd prefer it if the focus was on, maybe, this end of the wall of water and the tower. That would draw the eye to the subject rather than it being drawn to the background, which is where the focus appears to be now. Hope this helps!

Keep shooting and keep posting!

I thought the effect worked well with the photo.
20140629-DSC_0712-Edit by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
Comments always welcome.

No, I'm sorry, I don't agree. I think it works brilliantly with the photo!!
Until I saw you'd processed it, I thought that was just the colour of the paper. The grain really adds to the photo. One of your best.
No, I'm sorry, I don't agree. I think it works brilliantly with the photo!! Image Until I saw you'd processed it, I thought that was just the colour of the paper. The grain really adds to the photo. One of your best.

Thanks man. Normally I hate grain and do whatever I can to get rid. I guess thats the digital age verses the film camera generation. Maybe I'll have to explore more grain in the future.
Original + 1


This the next shot (untouched jpg fro PS5)

Focus was on the plane of the red box a f2.8. Why - dunno:( Also taken with Canon 1Ds2 probably).

Thanks for the comments - useful.
Thanks man. Normally I hate grain and do whatever I can to get rid. I guess thats the digital age verses the film camera generation. Maybe I'll have to explore more grain in the future.

It's not really a digital vs. film thing, it's what fits the photo. I've seen grainy film images that aren't bad because it has grain.

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