The England squad have got the perfect solution for you![]()
Palouse Falls.
[url=]Image[/url]Palouse Falls, WA by Northwest dad, on Flickr
I really dig this photo. Well done![url=]Image[/url]
The Shard
Canon EOS 6D
EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Nice. Gave my fisheye its first proper outing today. Results will follow when I have some time to upload.
Thanks. It is one of favorite lenses.
Shot this morning...Good Morning from Hampton Va.
[url=]Image[/url]Dandy Point Sunrise 6/14 by wwsakall, on Flickr
Nice. I like the silhouetted birds against the sun rise.
So took my fish eye out for it's first proper outing. Went to Wenlock Priory. It takes some getting used to using as you realise how close things are when you are using it. You think there is a couple of feet between you and the object, then suddenly you are falling over it! Also it's possible to get your own arm or leg in the shot which is weird! Anyway there will be a few of these over the week, so let me know your thoughts. For this one I was going for the natural framing of the window ruin.
[url=]Image[/url]20140620-_DSC3618 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
I think it would look a little more interesting with a tighter crop so the focus was more on the window framing the background.
Suffice to say I feel pretty unusual today.
I think it would look a little more interesting with a tighter crop so the focus was more on the window framing the background.
Mine for today is from a night of debauchery yesterday at a friend's BBQ. One minute we were chatting and drinking and all of a sudden 4AM happened and we were singing at anti-social volumes in a drunken stupor. Suffice to say I feel pretty unusual today.
Fujifilm XE1 with XF35mm
That's why you should practice, practice, practice.
Shot long before 4am I take it. Nice portrait.
Thanks for the advice. I'll have a play when I'm back on my Mac. Hope the head clears up. My tip? A nice cold pint of beer to get over it!