I like this. Looks like you took your kids out for a family mandatory fun day...
Lovely shot but is it me or is it ever so slightly squinty?
Not the smoothest take of from this guy..
[url=https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3826/14095072349_301e81ce0e_b.jpg]Image[/url]Lincolnshire Barn Owl by Shaun Wilkinson Photography, on Flickr
Just got my first SLR on friday.
skate by ALXPhotog, on Flickr
Olympus OM-D E-M5 + Olympus 17mm f/1.8
It's hard to read his shirt, but it says "Warning: You can go blind from my pure awesomeness".
Thank you! I do like sharp photos!Lovely photo, it's sharp! Not that's not why it's great, but really does add to it - it has a unique look. Love your photo of the horse in the field too - amazing colours in that one.
Thank you! I do like sharp photos!
urban decay self portrait by ALXPhotog, on Flickr
Fantastic shot.
That's really great. Good job!
I like this. Looks like you took your kids out for a family mandatory fun day...
I do find this photo quite cinematographic and I would have preferred it in a wide screen format with black bars on top & bottom though
all in all a great shot!
Another one from Hanbury Hall. Gardens this time. Comments always welcome.
20140530-_DSC2728 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
D7100 , 18-55@24mm , f13@1/100, ISO 100
Im a stickler for little details. With this I would have probably got dead on the middle of the path and made sure there was a straight line of symmetry down the middle.
In this shot have you thought about correcting the horizon?