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Striving caterpillar

Going to break the rules a bit and post 2 photos in one 24 hour period. Trying to clean up my desktop and *won't* be posting anything else in the POTD thread in the next few days. Hope I can be forgiven :)

I don't usually shoot macro. But was hanging out on my deck and noticed this tiny little caterpillar crawling across. Rather than squishing it, I opted to move it to my back yard and put it on a plant. Then pulled out my camera with a macro lens and started shooting.

Hand-held and not on a tripod. Shot at f/8 which is pretty open for macro work (there is a very shallow depth-of-field with this).

Two of the images stuck out for me. Here is one of them:



Great snap! Can I ask what lens/camera you were shooting with?

Thanks :)

Nikon D800 and 80-400 zoom. This is in response to a previous post. For the above image I was using a D800 and 105mm macro.
WOW! These are incredible.... What have I been doing using a Canon this whole time :confused:

Amazing snaps!

Going to break the rules a bit and post 2 photos in one 24 hour period. Trying to clean up my desktop and *won't* be posting anything else in the POTD thread in the next few days. Hope I can be forgiven :)

I don't usually shoot macro. But was hanging out on my deck and noticed this tiny little caterpillar crawling across. Rather than squishing it, I opted to move it to my back yard and put it on a plant. Then pulled out my camera with a macro lens and started shooting.

Hand-held and not on a tripod. Shot at f/8 which is pretty open for macro work (there is a very shallow depth-of-field with this).

Two of the images stuck out for me. Here is one of them:



Thanks :)

Nikon D800 and 80-400 zoom. This is in response to a previous post. For the above image I was using a D800 and 105mm macro.
I'm not sure this image is very good in general, but specifically, what do you guys think about the rotation? Does it make it more interesting, or is it just confusing?

Criticism is fine, I'm used to it. ;)

Here's one I shot this week. I was at an abandoned golf course with a friend discussing an upcoming calendar we're putting together and doing a little shooting at the same time. I had a pack with a few Dynalite necessities, a PCB VBM, and a Kacey Beauty dish.

It started raining, so everything had to go away, but the VBM really kicked ass. After an hour of shooting at low to 1/2 power, all three battery level lights were still light up and the recycle was still pretty decent for having an 800 w/s pack plugged in to a battery. I love this little thing. It's definitely taken over for my Tronix Explorer.

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