Textured for her pleasure?
Hummingbird (6707) by MCH-1138, on Flickr
D7000 Nikon 85mm f/1.8G 1/500 @ f/2.8
Im no ornithologist, but maybe a female Costas Hummingbird based on its plumage and proportions. Short telephoto and a small bird makes for a fairly aggressive crop, even when shot from about 2 meters.
Same church as yesterday, different angle. Which do you prefer?
I'd prefer either one with sunlight raking, at an angle, across the front of the building. With that kind of sky - light 'n' shadows - the light will change from minute to minute. That's the missing ingredient, IMO...
Oh yes. Big time! Comic Con?
This was taken in November at the NEC Comic Con.