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More fun with 4x5 film. Eight exposures, 400 ISO, f5.6, 1/10"
Very cool. Looks like a Spirograph drawing.

Thanks. It came out much better than I ever dreamed. This was from my fourth attempt after many hours of fiddling with the camera. This one image took about an hour to actually shoot.

Last night I did two similar shots of the Statue of Liberty in front of NY, NY. Hopefully I will get out of class early enough tonight so I can get them developed. If not, then I have to wait until tomorrow and I have to turn in the project on Thursday. Yikes!

Instead of the Octosphere maybe I should call it the Spirosphere. ;)
I'm really loving everyone's photos here and thought I'd contribute, despite my lack of skills. This is technically from April but I haven't had a chance to take the camera out for May yet.

Taken from my front yard :p Slight sharpening and colour correction in Photoshop to remove the orange tint it originally had from dust in the air. As a recently self-taught (mostly trial and error) amateur I'm quite proud of this shot.

Great shot. Always fun to look at, even if it's there every day.
Playing with the tilt shift lens and the plane of focus on this tree stump, with the tiniest amount of dappled sunlight getting through the upper canopy to it.




More fun with 4x5 film. Eight exposures, 400 ISO, f5.6, 1/10"

Love it! Very clever idea and well executed! Is your 4x5 on a monorail?
Love it! Very clever idea and well executed! Is your 4x5 on a monorail?

Thank you.

Yes it is a monorail - Toyo-View 45G. It has a rotating back so I was able to set all the angles without moving the camera. The only problem was when the back was rotated to the bottom. I wasn't able to insert the film holder so I would setup the exposure and then carefully rotate the back, insert the holder, remove the dark slide and carefully move it back into position.

For last night's shots I moved everything around on the rail so that I could access the film holder from every position. Class is running long tonight so I don't think I'm going to get to process those shots today. :(
Thanks for the insight to yet another creative idea. Mine for today.
[url=]Image[/url]20140502-_DSC2027 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr

This is, IMO, the best shot you’ve posted here. The light gives the squirrel ‘modelling’, pulls it forward in the picture area, separates it from the background... and even puts a catchlight in the eye! I’d be tempted to clone out some of the oof highlights in the foliage (by the eye, above the arch of the back, where tail joins body), just to separate it a little more. Then I’d make a print of it and hang it on the wall...
Very nice, Cheese&Apple -- lovely color. When I initially read the description, I thought it said "wooden duck," and I thought to myself, "it looks so real!" :)

LOL...thanks MCH-1138. Their colouring is so intricate and vibrant that, when you see these guys out in the wild, you do look twice to make sure they're real.

A special thank you to doylem, who helped me change to a new website (Imgur) for uploading photos to here. I took this shot yesterday when I ventured up into the mountains south of here looking for locations for a night sky shoot and ran into this old Chevy pickup truck shugging down the mountain road.
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