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Not a perrty flower or birdy, sorry! I loved the irony of finding an Ikea catalogue in this burnt out bando in the burbs on Thursday, so couldn't help but prop it up & snap away. I'm always saddened by places that become abandoned after fire damage due to becoming irreparable. This particular one was littered with discarded sharps, so must have had squatters there for a bit, or was the local shooting gallery for a time. I never let Fenna off-lead in these places & she wears impenitrable boots, to avoid any needle stick potential, with me getting her to sit, while I remove them from our progress through a place. I always pick up an empty can or tin to put them in as I go. This place is soon to be bulldozed for some townhouses to be erected there, which is a pity as it had some charming architectural features. Lots of the old wooden trims, fascias & all of the fire surrounds had been looted.


Sony a7III, Sony 16-35mm f/4
ISO 125, 16mm, f/4, 1/30
Bottle cap, take two.

I sometimes get obsessed with a subject and keep shooting it until I finally tire of it. True for this subject.

Another take on a bottle cap with a different lens (Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200mm). Ambient evening light (as opposed to my last post where it was night and light was coming from an outdoor porch light camera right).

1/25th sec, ISO 64, f/8.

Not a perrty flower or birdy, sorry! I loved the irony of finding an Ikea catalogue in this burnt out bando in the burbs on Thursday, so couldn't help but prop it up & snap away. I'm always saddened by places that become abandoned after fire damage due to becoming irreparable. This particular one was littered with discarded sharps, so must have had squatters there for a bit, or was the local shooting gallery for a time. I never let Fenna off-lead in these places & she wears impenitrable boots, to avoid any needle stick potential, with me getting her to sit, while I remove them from our progress through a place. I always pick up an empty can or tin to put them in as I go. This place is soon to be bulldozed for some townhouses to be erected there, which is a pity as it had some charming architectural features. Lots of the old wooden trims, fascias & all of the fire surrounds had been looted.

View attachment 919889
Sony a7III, Sony 16-35mm f/4
ISO 125, 16mm, f/4, 1/30
When I saw this I thought you'd planted the Ikea catalogue!

There maybe a bird in this shot. You just have to find him!
What a tit!

Following @mollyc 's revelation that the 150-600 is a great tele-macro, I took this shot of a dog rose...

Cheers :)

I've been called worse! Focus in that shot was a challenge. My 200-500mm f5.6 is not fast focusing. It likes a good hunt first. It's probably not that bad, I'm just spoiled by my better glass. Plus I'm always asking it to do a difficult task. Find a little bird at the end of the 500mm range.
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I've been called worse! Focus in that shot was a challenge. My 200-500mm f5.6 is not fast focusing. It likes a good hunt first. It's probably not that bad, I'm just spoiled by my better glass. Plus I'm always asking it to do a difficult task. Find a little bird at the end of the 500mm range.
I think the lens did a good job under the circumstances ;)

Cheers :)

What my shakes hands due to the weight of the thing? I almost never use the tripod in the garden. Silly really as its not that far away!

I have the same problem with my 200-600mm, it's really too heavy for me to handhold for very long and I definitely need to rest it on a surface or have it on a tripod. I can hold it for a shot, then set it down and I'm fine, but wouldn't be able to do a sustained number of shots without issues. It's not meant for a petite old lady of 75 years who isn't as strong as she used to be! I still need to get over to the camera shop and get a Wimberly gimbal, which will be ideal. In the meantime I continue to just use that lens on the deck, where I do have the rail to use as a support. The Bazooka really isn't an idea walk-around lens, that's for sure!

Saw the birdie in your photo, but only when I did a second look.....first time I missed him. Eyes are getting old!
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