Hey guys, a very long time since I've contributed to this site but here I am, happy to be back!
This is what flows away from Spirit Falls. I was very fortunate to meet up in the Columbia Gorge with a few pals a couple of weeks ago. Two of them from Portland. They showed us a couple of locations that are not, at least to my knowledge, very popular. Or at least not heavily advertised.
The first stop on the tour was Spirit Falls. It's I believe, a little bit over half a mile from the side of the road down to the falls. It's pretty steep, according to my friend TJ, "not for casual hikers". With a warning like that, who could refuse?
The hike down is a real pain in the ass. But the falls and the river are extremely beautiful. The only issue is that the current is really, really strong, and there aren't many options to set up different compositions.
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be waiting on TJ to finish shooting, while I noticed that the light was looking really awesome, as I looked away from the falls. When I showed it to my wife, without knowing the name of the falls, she said, "The title of this piece, is Spirits Flowing Away!".