Another one taken the other week. It rained all day todayso no new material. Going to set something up in the house for a couple of projects I have in mind for rainy days.
Get out and get some rainy day pics. I'm waiting for the heavy rain tomorrow to see what I can get.
Today I was browsing around an antiques emporium and took a few shots. Came across this.....whatever the hell it is.
Twillingate Newfoundland:
A small glass marble sitting on my variable neutral density filter catching reflections of the nearly closed vertical blinds behind my computer desk.
Liking the shots of my hometown! Twillingate...
An infrared shot from Pinery Provincial Park on the shores of lake Huron. It is such a serene place in the fall and winter, after the beach goers are gone.
For today's, another pic from Pompeii. This one of the tunnel leading into the coliseum. This highlights two of the fundamental contributions of the Romans to architecture: the brick and the arch.
Was surprised to see a little dog at the end of the tunnel, just barely visible in this pic.