Just visited the MIT Museum in Boston
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Whirlwind was a big machine: the largest, fastest, and most expensive of the early computers. At the height of World War II, the US Navy contracted with MIT to invent a new kind of flight simulator powered by an analog computer. Over the next several years, the project evolved into a general purpose, electronic digital computer that inspired the Air Force to create an automated air defense system.
Hardware innovations are only half the story. An unusual aspect of Project Whirlwind was its director Jay Forester's insistence that students and others be allowed to use the computer. So along with inventing procedures to program the computer, staff also invented ways to teach the science —and art— of programming. From week-long summer seminars and classes for MIT students to collaborations with colleagues from IBM, Rand Corporation, and SDC (System Development Corporation), one of Whirlwind's most lasting legacies is its contribution to the programming profession.