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macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2004
Magnolia, Delaware, USA
Old Point Comfort Lighthouse


C&C Always Welcome


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2008
I agree, i hate waiting a week to see a whole 'series' if you will. I think the thread can stay the same, but what if we up the max to 3 a day??.

if you have a series of photos, then what's the problem with creating a new thread?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
if you have a series of photos, then what's the problem with creating a new thread?

I think you misread that. I hardly ever have one quality pic to post, let alone a series, but i notice a few other people will say its one of a series. i dont always get back to check out the thread, so thats why i had said that. plus, i honestly dont see how 3 images would diminish the integrity, or even the fluidity of this thread....

just my $0.02


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Ah... [ ;) ]... Yes, I'll never complain about UK weather (well, OK, maybe now... 'cos it's been raining solidly for about 10 days... :eek:). The light can be wonderful... generally just before rain... or just after (so it's never far away... :)).

I suppose nobody ever said life was fair, but I'm inclined to pout anyway: still no clouds in sight here.

Steam loco...


Wonderful color palette.

Overlooking the Hudson


I really enjoy seeing a symmetrical composition that works. I think the key is to have something that offsets the symmetry, which in this case would be the plant at the left and the differing embellishment of the columns. The light is also quite lovely, aside from the discoloration introduced by the pane of glass--pity about that (perhaps a CPL would have helped?). By the way, the photo is not quite straight.

Once again, the journey is the destination:



macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
Bar 89


It's usually a good rule of thumb that if you have to explain an image with words, then you have failed as a photographer. In that sense, this image is full of fail. Having said that, I'll try to explain why I still like this shot.

Bar 89 is a restaurant in NYC that has decent food and a great "feel." One interesting thing about the place is the bathrooms. They have see through doors. It's a bit disconcerting the first time you need to use them. The cool factor (gimmick?) is that when you lock the door behind you, the glass immediately fills with smoke that makes it so you can't see inside. It's a very disconcerting experience. Going to the bathroom is generally considered a very private thing. The first time you use the head here (assuming you haven't been warned) invokes some discomfort.

This shot shows some empty stalls on the left (where you can clearly see into the bathroom) and some occupied stalls on the right (where the smoke has occluded the occupants).

Again, the image doesn't stand on its own since it requires too much explanation. But I like it nonetheless.


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006
I thought you lived more on the coast, near Prestwick. I remember we arranged to have a beer if I visited Scotland by plane again. Perhaps this winter I'll visit Scotland again. Galloway is a beautiful, I never visited it before.

I do , but Glen Trool is still closer to me than Holland ; )


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006
Field barns in the Yorkshire Dales...


This is so gorgeous and so typical rural Yorkshire, cracking stuff again Doylem.

And in the words of Monty Python .... "You never expect the Spanish Inquisition..." Only kidding .. "And Now For Something Completely Different !"

An outtake from one of the projects that I said the other day that I wasn't going to bore you guys with at the moment.

Camera: Pentax K10D
Exposure: 0.02 sec (1/50)
Aperture: f/7.1
Focal Length: 90 mm
ISO Speed: 160
Lens Pentax Da* 16-50


macrumors 603
Jul 11, 2008

C&C Always Welcome

hmmm interesting. however:

1) crop out the car. Take out much of the tree if possible. perhaps retake the shoot
2) more lighting on that subject is needed. too dark, underexposed. PP can help with this to bring out more detail
3) try a different angle. Get closer, lay on your back, shoot up at an angle. I think that would be an interesting take.
4) composition wise, make the windows more centered. it's like you were slightly to the left of the subject


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv

C&C Always Welcome

Now that i have seen this image a few times, Im pretty sure It would be an awesome HDR, assuming you know how. Especially with all the colors atop the Lighthouse.

And if you dont mind, i would like a copy of the original to run through Topaz adjust, just to see. :)
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